2017年6月29日 星期四

Goofy Mars Rover Conspiracies Part 1

The Wild Conspiracy Theory That NASA Is Faking Its Mars Rover Missions In Canada, Mashable

"Apparently, a lot of people are convinced that NASA's Mars missions are a big hoax, and that the space agency's rovers are actually sending back photos from an island in Canada. Obviously NASA says this is complete nonsense. The conspiracy theory has been making the rounds for at least two years, with YouTube videos and blog posts on fringe websites arguing that NASA is faking the images on Devon Island."

Keith's note: I have been to Devon Island 3 times - twice for a month at a time. That's me posing with a Mars "rover" on Devon Island. His name was Quimmiq. Sorry conspiracy loons, no faked Mars rover pics.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2tvVsbR

