2017年6月23日 星期五

Hollywood Space Spinoff Flops

Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop gets called out by NASA over healing stickers, CNN Money

"NASA just called out Goop, the movie star's lifestyle brand, over wearable healing stickers that it promoted on its website. In a post on Thursday, Goop said that the stickers, which are sold by a group called Body Vibes, are "made with the same conductive carbon material NASA uses to line space suits so they can monitor an astronaut's vitals during wear." The wearables, which cost about $60 for a pack of 10, come "pre-programmed to an ideal frequency" and "promote healing" by tackling "imbalances," the website claimed. But NASA told CNNMoney it doesn't use carbon material to line its suits, and its current spacesuit has no carbon fibers in it at all."

Body Vibes

"Body Vibes use an exclusive material originally developed for NASA. This waterproof, carbon fiber compound can hold specific frequency charges that naturally stimulate the human body's receptors."

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2sJhjJT

