2016年9月6日 星期二

ISS Daily Summary Report – 09/05/2016

Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) Ingress and Sampling: Flight Engineer (FE)-6 Rubins ingressed the BEAM and collected the deployed Radiation Area Monitor (RAM) dosimeters and performed Microbial Air Sampler (MAS) and Surface Sample Kit (SSK) sampling. She also performed a thorough inspection of the walls and found no moisture.  The crew also replaced all of the BEAM sensor extended life battery packs.  The MAS and SSK samples as well as the RAM dosimeters will be packed for return on 46S and analyzed in Houston.  Cardio Ox and Biochem Profile Collections:  Rubins and FE-5 Onishi performed their Flight Day 60 (FD60) urine and blood collections and inserted them into Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI).  The Biochemical Profile experiment tests blood and urine samples obtained from astronauts before, during, and after spaceflight. Specific proteins and chemicals in the samples are used as biomarkers, or indicators of health. Post-flight analysis yields a database of samples and test results, which scientists can use to study the effects of spaceflight on the body.  The goal of Cardio Ox is to determine whether biological markers of oxidative and inflammatory stress are elevated during and after space flight and whether this results in an increased, long-term risk of atherosclerosis risk in astronauts. Marrow: Rubins collected breath and ambient air samples in support of the Canadian Space Agency’s Marrow experiment.  Marrow investigation looks at the effect of microgravity on the bone marrow. It is believed that microgravity, like long-duration bed rest on Earth, has a negative effect on the bone marrow and the blood cells that are produced in the marrow. The extent of this effect, and its recovery, are of interest to space research and healthcare providers on Earth.  ISS Change of Command (COC): The entire crew discussed with Mission Control Center (MCC)-Houston and MCC-Moscow flight control teams their roles and responsibilities for the timeframe between the COC event and departure of 46S. Anatoly Ivanishin then assumed command of the ISS from Jeff Williams. Following the COC, the 47S crew became prime for emergency response.  Post Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Tasks: The crew deconfigured the Airlock following last week’s EVA operations and prepared Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs) and equipment for long term stowage. They also performed EMU cooling loop maintenance on the EMUs used during the EVA (3003 and 3008). Crew Quarters (CQ) Port Cleaning: In preparation for his departure from the ISS tomorrow Williams cleaned his CQ, including the intake and exhaust ducts, fans and airflow sensors. All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. MARROW Air Samples HRF Sample Collection HRF MELFI Sample Insertion HRF Activation of Centrifuge and blood collection operator assistance HRF Blood Collection Operator HRF Refrigerated Centrifuge Configuration DOSETRK Data Entry HRF Refrigerated Centrifuge Configuration 2 MRF Flow HRF MELFI Sample Insertion Auxiliary Laptop Computer System Anti-Virus Data Update Crew Departure Prep Removal and handover of dosimeters to RS for stowage in Soyuz 720 Measuring Partial CO Pressure in RS using US portable CSA-CP device (Central Post SM panel 208) HRF Blood sample removal in preparation for cold stowage insertion HRF MELFI Sample Insertion MATRYOSHKA-R. Transfer of PADLE detectors and handover for Return / r/g 3286 MATRYOSHKA-R. Photos of Transfer / r/g 3290 Fine Motor Skills (FINEMOTR) Experiment Ops LBNP Exercise (CLOSEOUT) r/g 3296 HRF Refrigerated Centrifuge Closeout Ops HRF Sample Collection On MCC GO Dismantling ЛКТ (ТА251МБ) and ROM from Soyuz720 БО HRF MELFI Sample Insertion US items prepack for return on 46S HABIT Questionnaires Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Fill Part 3 CASKAD. Connecting Anabioz Incubator to РБС and Power Up / r/g 3293 WRM Condensate Collection Configuration Soyuz 731 Samsung Tablet Recharge, initiate HABIT Preparing for the experiment Stowage of BEAM Video Equipment Folding ARED Platform CASKAD. Starting Anabioz No. 2 Battery Charge / r/g 3293 Folding ARED Platform MRF Purge BEAM Ingress Crew Discretionary Event FENIKS. Removal and Transfer of Bioekologiya cases to Soyuz 720, disposal of empty Bioekologiya kits / r/g 3292 Air Lock Deconfig after EVA Moving Stowage back to the A/L after the EVA BEAM air sampling using АК-1М sampler r/g 3295 Environmental Health System (EHS), Radiation Area Monitors (RAM) Retrieve FAGEN. Removal and transfer of [MCK] Kits No.06 and No.07 from panel 328 to Soyuz 720 / r/g 3291 BIOPOLIMER. Hardware Removal from Exposure Location and Transfer to Soyuz / r/g 3294 Start EMU cooling loop scrub STRUKTURA  Photography during deactivation / r/g 3289 STRUKTURA  Deactivation of crystallization process / r/g 3288 Microbiology Surface Sampling in BEAM using SSK kit BAKTERIOFAG. Photograph and Dismantle BIOECOLOGIYA Container, transfer to Soyuz 720 / r/g 3287 STRUKTURA  Transfer and stowage of Luch-2 Kit to Soyuz 720 / r/g 3288 IFM Port Crew Quarters (CQ) Cleaning Soyuz 720 Samsung Tablet Recharge, initiate Sanitary -Hygiene Status Monitoring r/g 3298 Soyuz 720 Payload Container Stowage Ops for return / r/g 3099 Soyuz 731 Samsung Tablet Recharge, terminate СОЖ Maintenance r/g 3300 EMU Cooling Loop Post Scrub Water Sample Microbial Air Sampler (MAS) Kit Sample Collection in BEAM EMU  Cooling Loop Maintenance, EMU Reconfig Microbial Sample Collection / r/g 3297 Filling (separation) of ЕДВ (КОВ) for Elektron or ЕДВ-СВ Transfer of MAS/SSK samples (from BEAM) to RS for stowage in Soyuz 720 HRF Sample Collection Replace BEAM Distributed Impact Detection System (DIDS) HRF MELFI Sample Insertion BEAM Cleanup and Egress Exercise Data Downlink via OCA ARED Footplate Unfold to Nominal Position IFM In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Port Crew Quarter (CQ) Cleaning Health Maintenance System (HMS) Profile of Mood States (POMS) Questionnaire HRF Sample Collection Water Transfer to Container via MRF, End Countermeasures System (CMS),  Sprint Exercise, Optional HRF MELFI Sample Insertion EMU Cooling Loop Deconfig Soyuz 720 P/L Container Transfer Operations Report  r/g 3099 MARROW Air Samples Soyuz 720 Samsung tablet recharge, terminate Signing ISS RS Handover Protocol / r/g 3285 Comm Check and Ops from Soyuz 720 via RGS Completed Task List Items MELFI1 retrieve 1 and 2 of 4 BMS sample complete 3 of 4 Manufacturing Device Print Removal, Clean, and […]

September 06, 2016 at 12:00AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/2c11lCF

