2016年9月16日 星期五

China Takes Next Steps in Human Spaceflight Program

China Launches Tiangong-2 Space Laboratory Module (With video)

"China launched the Tiangong-2 space laboratory module on a Long March 2F rocket today. The two year year mission of Tiangong-2 will see two Chinese astronauts occupy the space lab for up to a month at a time to perform a variety of scientific experiments.

In October, Shenzhou 11, will launch with two astronauts on the first mission to the newly commissioned space lab."

Marc's note: As China moves forward with its human spaceflight program should the International community and the U.S. forge closer ties with them?

Keith has some thoughts on this topic which he shared with China's CCTV in an interview this morning. As soon as the interview is available online we'll link to it. My position is that international cooperation in space is critical for the continual peaceful use of space, and for the commercial use of LEO, GEO, the moon and future scientific exploration beyond the moon. This then would include cooperation with China.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2cP4JkV

