2016年8月21日 星期日

Mars On Earth


Full-Circle Vista from NASA Mars Rover Curiosity Shows 'Murray Buttes'

"Eroded mesas and buttes reminiscent of the U.S. Southwest shape part of the horizon in the latest 360-degree color panorama from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover."

Keith's note: This is why we call Devon Island "Mars On Earth". Top: Mars 2016 Bottom: me on Devon Island 2002. I have been to Devon Island 3 times - twice for a month. Without exception, a day did not go by when my eyes were telling me that I was on Mars every hour or so. Oh yes: there is a giant impact crater just over the hill behind me. Oh yes: Several times during my 2002 stay someone drained my blood for science. "Interestingly, one of the 10 HMP study participants was EBV sero-negative during pre-mission testing and appeared to remain seronegative through the mid-mission assessment." That's me. Science.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2boIHWy

