2016年8月30日 星期二

ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/29/2016

Biomolecule Sequencer WIFI Reconnection and Sample Sequence Completion: Over the weekend the crew completed the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing process that began last week and transferred the screenshots to the Surface Pro 3 tablet for downlink. The Biomolecule Sequencer investigation seeks to demonstrate for the first time that DNA sequencing is feasible in an orbiting spacecraft. A space-based DNA sequencer could identify microbes, diagnose diseases and understand crew member health, and potentially help detect DNA-based life elsewhere in the solar system. Marrow Blood, Breath, and Ambient Air Sample Collection: Over the weekend the crew set up the Marrow air sample collection hardware in the crew quarters and today upon waking the crew took breath and ambient air samples to measure carbon monoxide concentration for the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Marrow experiment. Marrow investigates the effect of microgravity on human bone marrow. It is believed that microgravity, like long-duration bed rest on Earth, has a negative effect on bone marrow and the blood cells that are produced in the marrow. The extent of this effect and its recovery are of interest to space research and healthcare providers on Earth.  Human Research Program (HRP) Generic Urine and Frozen Blood Collection Double Spin: The crew continued HRP operations that began over the weekend by collecting saliva and urine samples for 24-hours and processing a set of blood samples for double spin operations using the Refrigerated Centrifuge. The samples were stowed in the Minus Eighty-degree Freezer for ISS MELFI.  Mouse Epigenetics Closeout and Reconfiguration Operations: The crew performed Mouse Epigenetics closeout and reconfiguration activities to clean up and disassemble the Glove Box before removing the Mouse Habitat Cage Unit from the Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF). The crew also changed the CBEF video output cable configuration from multiple channel cable to single channel cable and disconnect the CBEF Multiple Video Cable between CBEF and Image Processing Unit (IPU) as well as the CBEF and Video compression and Recording Unit 2 (VRU2) on Multi-purpose Small PayloadRack2 (MSPR2).  Thermolab Instrumentation for Circadian Rhythms: The crew began the first of a three-day European Space Agency (ESA) Circadian Rhythms experiment by performing instrumentation with the Thermolab Double sensors, mounting the Thermolab Unit in the belt, connecting and powering on the Thermolab Unit before beginning a 36 hour continuous measurement. After the measurement was completed, the data was transferred and hardware stowed. The objective of the experiment is to get a better understanding of alterations in circadian rhythms in humans during long-term space flights. Such knowledge will not only provide important insights into the adaptations of the human autonomic nervous system in space over time, but also has significant practical implications by helping to improve physical exercise, rest and work shifts as well as fostering adequate workplace illumination in the sense of occupational healthcare in future space missions. Multi-Omics Operations: Today the crew supported the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Multi-Omics investigation by collecting body samples and inserting them into a Box Module in the Minus Eighty-degree Freezer for ISS (MELFI). The investigation evaluates the impacts of space environment and prebiotics on astronauts’ immune function by combining the data obtained from the measurements of changes in the microbiological composition, metabolites profiles, and the immune system.  Habitability Human Factors Directed Observations: The crew will recorded and submited a walk-through video documenting observations of life onboard ISS, providing insight related to human factors and habitability. The Habitability investigation collects observations about the relationship between crew members and their environment on the ISS. Observations can help spacecraft designers understand how much habitable volume is required and whether a mission’s duration impacts how much space crew members need.  Trailing Thermal Control Radiator (TTCR) Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparations: The Extravehicular (EV) crew conducted a review of procedures that cover the suit donning plan, pre-breathe protocol, Equipment Lock activities, egress  and detailed EVA timeline. Following the review they participated in a conference with ground teams. The Intravehicular (IV) crew accessed the Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) software and completed a robotics review of Space Station Remote Manipulator System support plan for US EVA #37 this Thursday. External Television Camera Group (ETVCG) Troubleshooting Test Lead Build:  The crew performed part 1 of a procedure to verify the heaters on the spare ETVCG Light are functional. They built two jumpers from pin kit materials for use in tomorrow’s task.  Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) Remove & Replace (R&R):  Over the weekend, Robotics Ground Controllers unstowed the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) from Mobile Base System (MBS) Power Data Grapple Fixture (PDGF)2.  At the end of re-rigidizing the SPDM Latching End Effector (LEE) for SPDM unstow, the SPDM safed, which has been observed previously. Controllers performed the necessary recovery steps and released the SPDM LEE from MBS PDGF2. Once the SPDM had been unstowed, controllers maneuvered the SSRMS and SPDM to position SPDM Arm2 to use Robot Micro Conical Tool #2 (RMCT2) to demate and remove RPCM P12B_A from its slot which was previously attempted on June 14, 2016 without success.  Today, after numerous pull and wiggle attempts, the RPCM came out of its slot.  Both the RPCM and its slot were inspected and nothing was seen that would preclude pressing with stowing the RPCM in a spare slot and installing another RPCM in Slot P12B_A.  This RPCM was then stowed in Spare Slot P13A_H.  Controllers commanded the SPDM Arm 2 On-Orbit Replaceable Unit (ORU) Tool Change-out Mechanism (OTCM) handling the RMCT2 to release the Failed RPCM (removed from P12B_A slot) in the P13A_H  slot.  They then maneuvered the SSRMS and SPDM to position SPDM Arm2 to align RMCT2 with the spare RPCM located in P11A_D to demate and remove it from its slot.  This RPCM was then moved to the P12B_A slot. It was successfully inserted and bolted to P12B_A worksite after being pushed with the maximum force allowed of 200 N.  SPDM Arm 2 released the spare RPCM in P12B_A and ground teams confirmed it was functioning nominally.   46 Soyuz Survey:  Following the RPCM R&R, […]

August 30, 2016 at 12:00AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/2byHAoL

