2016年8月17日 星期三

ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/16/2016

Fluid Shifts Imaging with Chibis in the Service Module (SM): With ground team assistance, crewmembers continued the final week of this set of Fluid Shifts operations by configuring the Ultrasound 2 hardware prior to performing ultrasound scans in the SM while using the Chibis. The Fluids Shift investigation is divided into three segments: Dilution Measures, Baseline Imaging, and Baseline Imaging using the Russian Chibis Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) device. The experiment measures how much fluid shifts from the lower body to the upper body, in or out of cells and blood vessels, and determines the impact these shifts have on fluid pressure in the head, changes in vision and eye structures. Mouse Epigenetics Habitat Cage Unit Maintenance:  The food cartridges of Mouse Habitat Cage Units were exchanged and then the cage units containing the mice were transferred to and from the glove box located in the Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) to complete standard maintenance activities. The Mouse Epigenetics investigation studies altered gene expression patterns in the organs of male mice that spend one month in space, and also examines changes in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of their offspring. Results from the investigation identify genetic alterations that happen after exposure to the microgravity environment of space.  Advanced Colloids Experiment Temperature control-1 (ACE-T1) Configuration: The crew accessed the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) and removed the Micro-channel Diffusion Plate and Bio Base from inside the Light Microscopy Module (LMM) Auxiliary Fluids Container (ACE) before installing the LMM Control Base, ACE Module, and Constrained Vapor Bubble (CVB) surveillance camera in preparation for the ACE-T1 experiment.  ACE-T-1 studies tiny suspended particles designed by scientists to connect themselves in a specific way to form organized structures in water. Materials having complex structures and unique properties potentially can be made with more knowledge of how these particles are joined together and the conditions which control their behaviors. The microgravity environment on the ISS provides researchers insight into the fundamental physics of micro particle self-assembly and the kinds of colloidal structures that are possible to fabricate. This in turn helps manufacturers on Earth in choosing which high-value material is worth investigating.  Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) Fuel Oxidizer Management Assembly (FOMA) Calibration: The crew performed the FOMA Calibration by closing the bottle valves and relieving the pressure in the manifolds. The FOMA Calibration Unit (FCU) was powered to collect pressure transducer data with the bottle pressure transducers at ambient pressure and the rack was powered down. The crew then opened the bottle valves before closing up the rack. CIR provides sustained, systematic microgravity combustion research and it houses hardware capable of performing combustion experiments to further research of combustion in microgravity. Fine Motor Skills: A series of interactive tasks on a touchscreen tablet were completed for the Fine Motor Skills investigation. This investigation is critical during long-duration space missions, particularly those skills needed to interact with technologies required in next-generation space vehicles, spacesuits, and habitats. The crewmember’s fine motor skills are also necessary for performing tasks in transit or on a planetary surface, such as information access, just-in-time training, subsystem maintenance, and medical treatment.  Habitability Human Factors Directed Observations: The crew recorded and submitted a narrated task video documenting observations of life onboard ISS, providing insight related to human factors and habitability. The Habitability investigation collects observations about the relationship between crew members and their environment on the ISS. Observations can help spacecraft designers understand how much habitable volume is required, and whether a mission’s duration impacts how much space crew members need.  Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Soyuz 720 Kazbek Fit Check FLUID SHIFTS. Activation of РБС for Ultrasound Equipment / r/g 3076 FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound 2 Setup and Activation in SM Environmental Control & Life Support System (ECLSS) Tank Drain FLUID SHIFTS. Comm configuration for the experiment / r/g 9995 MATRYOSHKA-R. BUBBLE-dosimeter gathering and measurements. Memory Card pre-pack for return r/g 3078 FLUID SHIFTS. Gathering and Connecting Equipment for TV coverage Fine Motor Skills (FINEMOTR) Test Environmental Control & Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain Part 2 METEOR Ops MOUSE Hardware Setup FIR Rack Doors Open FLUID SHIFTS. Operator Assistance with Chibis and Gamma-1 r/g 3085 FLUID SHIFTS. Chibis Setup / r/g 3085 WRS Recycle Tank Fill from EDV Crew Prep for PAO Light Microscopy Module (LMM). ACET1 Module Configuration DRAGON. Transfers FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound Ops in SM, Subject FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound 2 Scan, Operator Microbial Monitoring (RJR), Inspection of Surface Samples and Petri Dishes FLUID SHIFTS. Chibis Closeout Ops / r/g 3085 RS Photo Cameras Sync Up to Station Time / r/g 1594 FLUID SHIFTS. Deactivation of РБС and USND / r/g 3077 PAO Hardware Setup СОЖ Maintenance FIR Rack Door Close INTERP-MAI-75. HAM Radio Hardware Activation See note 5 r/g 3057 FLUID SHIFTS. CCFP hardware, HRF Laptop in SM FLUID SHIFTS. Crew Onboard Support System (КСПЭ) Hardware Deactivation and Closing Applications on CP SSC Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) Valve Closure PAO Event FLUID SHIFTS. Restore nominal comm config WRS Recycle Tank Fill from EDV MRM2 comm config to support the P/L Ops FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound 2 Stowage in SM KULONOVSKIY KRISTALL. Experiment Ops r/g 3079 FLUID SHIFTS. Hardware Transfer to USOS Microbial Monitoring (RJR), Handover of SSK and MAS Samples Environmental Health System (EHS), Surface Sampler Kit (SSK) and Microbial Air Sampler (MAS) Sample Pack for return MRM2 Comm Reconfig for Nominal Ops WRS Recycle Tank Fill from EDV HABIT Video Recording XF305 Camcorder Settings Adjustment MOUSE Habitat Cage Unit Cleaning EVA Photo/Video Camera Config KULONOVSKIY KRISTALL. Copy and Downlink Data / r/g 3079 Environmental Control & Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Fill Part 3 HABIT Task Video End DRAGON. Transfers HMS Defibrillator Inspection Symbolic Activity / r/g 3064 Distillate Filter & Purge Gas Filter Remove and Replace MOUSE. Transportation Cage Unit Preparation DRAGON. Cargo Transfer Tagup Symbolic Activity / r/g 3064 CIR Valve Open INTER-MAI-75. Equipment deactivation and cleanup / r/g 3057 In Flight Maintenance (IFM), Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC), Full Fill HABIT Camcorder […]

August 17, 2016 at 12:00AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/2b0NHAs

