2019年4月25日 星期四

What the Black Feminists Who First Fought Misinformation Online Can Teach Us

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On this week’s episode of the Waves, Hanna, June, and Nichole are joined by Rachelle Hampton to discuss her recent cover story for Slate, “The Black Feminists Who Saw the Alt-Right Threat Coming.” These women identified and responded to one of the earliest disinformation campaigns on the internet, well before both Gamergate and the 2016 election—so why have their experiences been ignored for so long? Then, New York magazine’s “Marriage: An Investigation” collected the stories of couples (and throuples) who’ve pushed the institution to its breaking point in order to answer one question: Is it obsolete? The hosts debate the relevance (and significance) of marriage in 2019 and share anecdotes from their own lives. Finally, they reflect on Someone Great, Gina Rodriguez’s new Netflix “rom-com in reverse,” unpacking what it might say about the future of the genre.

In Slate Plus: Are TSA body scanners sexist?

Other items discussed on the show:

• “The Black Feminists Who Saw the Alt-Right Threat Coming“ by Rachelle Hampton in Slate
• “When Infidelity, Infertility, and Cancer Only Make Your Marriage Stronger” as told to Gabriella Paiella in the Cut
• “Is Marriage Obsolete?” by Heather Havrilesky in the Cut
• “A Throuple on How Marriage Changed Their Relationship” as told to Carl Swanson in the Cut
• “They Have Been Married for Seven Decades and They’re Still ‘Working on It’ ” as told to Rachel Bashein in the Cut
Modern Family
Splitting Up Together starring Jenna Fischer
Someone Great starring Gina Rodriguez
The Incredible Jessica James starring Jessica Williams
Broad City
• The Slate Podcast Endorse-O-Matic


June:Finland’s Hobbyhorse Girls, Once a Secret Society, Now Prance in Public” by Ellen Barry in the New York Times

Hanna: Helen Oyeyemi’s Gingerbread

Nichole: The NBC series Good Girls

This podcast was produced by Danielle Hewitt. Our production assistant is Alex Barasch.

Please remember to like our Facebook page. Send your comments and recommendations on what to cover to thewaves@slate.com. And come to our brunch in New York on June 8!

from Slate Magazine http://bit.ly/2vnyfrn

