2019年4月30日 星期二

Did KSC Ban All Employee Photography?

Keith's note: I sent the following request to NASA HQ and KSC PAO:

"K. Scott Piel @spiel2001 who claims to be a "Software Engineer / TOSC @ NASA/KSC EGS/LCS - Amateur Photographer" refers to a new KSC policy that prohibits employees from any photography while on the job.

1. Has NASA KSC implemented a new policy wherein, according to Piel "employees are no longer permitted to photograph or share images from *any* operations cat KSC without authorization. Regardless of source. Photographing, or sharing images, from operations is grounds for termination." (yes/no)?
2. If NASA KSC has implemented a new policy with regard to photography does it apply to contractor personnel only, NASA civil servants only, or both?
3. Can you provide me with a copy of the current NASA KSC policy with regard to photography - on-site - by KSC employees?"

from NASA Watch http://bit.ly/2XUgKuR

