2019年3月5日 星期二

NASA Replaces Europa Clipper's ICEMAG

NASA Seeks New Options for Science Instrument on Europa Clipper, NASA

"The mission's initial planned magnetometer, called Interior Characterization of Europa Using Magnetometry, or ICEMAG, will not fly with the spacecraft because of cost concerns. Instead, NASA will seek options for a simpler version of this instrument. ICEMAG currently is in its preliminary design phase, and its flight hardware hasn't been built yet."

ICEMAG Update on Europa Clipper, NASA

"During Phase A the entire Europa Clipper payload experienced significant resource growth, (including cost growth) due to accommodation challenges. This is expected due to system and environmental challenges for this mission, and typically confined to Phase A. However, during the System Requirements Review/Mission Definition Review and at the subsequent KDP B gate review concerns were raised that further growth was probable. This was a concern for NASA because of the guidance from the National Academies received directing NASA to keep Clipper cost in check due to the importance of program balance across all of planetary sciences."

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2Xykcfk

