2019年3月28日 星期四

No One Asked for the Barr Report. When Do We Get Mueller’s?

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On this week’s Slate Political Gabfest, recorded live at the Lincoln Theatre in D.C., Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz discuss William Barr’s puzzling description of the Mueller report, Emily’s new book Charged, and House Democrats’ legislative agenda, with guest Rep. Lauren Underwood.

Here are some of the links and references from this week’s show:

• The Whistlestop podcast’s four-part series “The Making of the American Presidency

• Peter Baker for the New York Times: “Mueller’s Investigation Erases a Line Drawn After Watergate

Charged: The New Movement to Transform American Prosecution and End Mass Incarceration by Emily Bazelon

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander

• What Next podcast: host Mary Harris interviews Jamelle Bouie, in “How to Watch the Presidential Horse Race Like a Pro

Here are this week’s cocktail chatters:

• Emily: Adam Liptak for the New York Times: “Justices Display Divisions in New Cases on Voting Maps Warped by Politics

• John: Jeff Biggers for Smithsonian Magazine: “The 19th-Century Woman Journalist Who Made Congress Bow Down in Fear

• David: Amy X. Wang for Rolling Stone: “Warner Music Group Signs an Algorithm to a Record Deal

• Listener chatter from Daria Kashian @bossymagoo: Eli Rosenberg for the Washington Post: “A GOP Governor Doesn’t Believe in Chickenpox Vaccines. He Took His Nine Kids to a Pox Party Instead.”

For this week’s Slate Plus bonus segment, Emily, David, and John take questions from the live audience.

Topic ideas for next week? You can tweet suggestions, links, and questions to @SlateGabfest. Tweet us your cocktail chatter using #cocktailchatter or post it to our Facebook page. (Messages may be quoted by name unless the writer stipulates otherwise.)

Become a fan of the Political Gabfest on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @SlateGabfest. The email address for the Political Gabfest is gabfest@slate.com. (Email may be quoted by name unless the writer stipulates otherwise.)

Podcast production by Jocelyn Frank.
Research and show notes by Bridgette Dunlap.

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