2018年8月1日 星期三

The Oklahoma Factor And NASA

Trump's pick to head White House science office gets good reviews, Science

"[meteorologist Kelvin] Droegemeier, who has served on the faculty of The University of Oklahoma (OU) in Norman for 33 years and been the school's vice president for research since 2009, has long been rumored to be in the running for the OSTP job, which entails advising the president on technical issues and overseeing coordination of federal science policy. He is no stranger to Washington, D.C.; then-President George W. Bush named him to the National Science Board, which oversees NSF, in 2004, and Obama reappointed him in 2011. He served as the board's vice-chair from 2014 to 2017. He has also served as a formal and informal adviser to federal and state politicians. He leads a state science advisory panel named by Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, and advised former Oklahoma Representative Jim Bridenstine (R), now the administrator of NASA."

Keith's note: The new OSTP Director is a prominent scientist from Oklahoma. The Administrator of NASA used to represent part of Oklahoma in Congress. As such, one would hope that there would be some instant connectivity between NASA HQ and OSTP. But then again there's the National Space Council who also has its own ideas with regard to what NASA should/should not be doing. It will be interesting to see how NASA walks the tight rope between these two science power centers in the White House. Stay tuned.

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2n1HUj1

