2018年8月23日 星期四

Space Sermon By Mike Pence


Larger version

Remarks by Vice President Pence on the Administration's Space Policy Priorities Houston, TX

"And finally, to those of you who will guide this mission, on a personal level, I just -- I want to assure you that millions of Americans will carry you in their prayers. And they have faith and hope you have confidence that, as you go, you do not go alone. That millions of Americans will claim that ancient promise that if you "rise on the wings of the dawn", if you "go up to the heavens," "even there His hand will guide you," and "His right hand will hold us fast." Our heroes will go with the prayers of the American people."

Keith's note: Once upon a time everyone lamented that the occupants of the White House (pick one - any one) did not care about space. And if they did, there was no money to back up whatever they wanted NASA to do. Now we have a Vice President who clearly does care about space - and then some. No argument there. Alas, there was no news from Johnson Space Center today. The Vice President was in Texas to do a fundraiser for Rep. John Culberson and stopped by JSC give a space sermon with a short introduction from NASA Administrator Bridenstine. As for the sermon-esque aspects of Pence's presentation - that's how he rolls. I did find one reference Pence made to resonates with things I have ranted about (before) on NASA Watch from the film "Interstellar":

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2MJE4cS

