2018年1月11日 星期四

Annual ASAP Report Says The Same Stuff It Did Last Year

NASA's Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel Releases 2017 Annual Report

"The report, released Thursday, is based on the panel's 2017 fact-finding and quarterly public meetings; "insight" visits and meetings; direct observations of NASA operations and decision-making processes; discussions with NASA management, employees and contractors; and the panel members' own experience. "It is clear to the panel that NASA is at a critical juncture in human spaceflight development and that this is a time to retain focus on program details; to maintain a sense of urgency while not giving in to schedule pressure and to continue with program plans without neglecting, shortchanging, or deleting program content essential to safety and mission assurance," said ASAP Chair Patricia Sanders. The report reiterates the need for constancy of purpose as NASA is on the verge of realizing the results of years of work and extensive resource investment."

Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel Releases 2016 Annual Report, earlier post

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2qRJk4q

