2017年10月8日 星期日

Climate Scientists Are Still Going to Give Bridenstine A Hard Time

Would Jim Bridenstine Be a Down to Earth NASA Administrator?, Union of Concerned Scientists

"Let's get right to it. Understanding the dynamics of our Earth, including disasters like hurricanes and droughts, has never seemed more important. As if on cue, we have a confirmation hearing for the NASA Administrator nominee coming down the pike. Is President Trump's nominee, Representative Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), the right fit?"

Florida scientists urge Senate to oppose Donald Trump's NASA pick, Florida Politics

"Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson have already lobbed objections to Jim Bridenstine, President Donald Trump's pick to head NASA. Now, more than 30 Florida scientists signed a letter to the state's U.S. senators, urging them to outright reject Bridenstine when he comes up for confirmation. Among the criticisms that scientists around the nation have voiced about Bridenstine is that he has said that he doesn't believe humans are causing climate change. "We find it troubling that Congressman Bridenstine has repeated misinformation in his quest to deny climate change, notably in 2013 when he suggested that global temperatures were not rising," the scientists write to Rubio and Nelson. "Climate and weather are intertwined and while we know that Congressman Bridenstine has publicly expressed desire for better weather prediction capabilities, we cannot predict weather events if we ignore emerging trends."

Scientists call on Florida's senators to oppose Trump nominee for NASA

"Both Nelson and Rubio have blasted Trump's choice, but neither has said whether they will vote against Bridenstine. In their letter, the scientists pointed out that Bridenstine has no formal science education. And while he serves on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, he has no experience running such a large agency and no experience with scientific research. A former Navy pilot, he once ran Tulsa's Air and Space Museum."

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2gnibin

