2017年3月26日 星期日

Space Policy: No One Knows What Is Going On

Keith's note: If you look at our calendar for the coming week you will see an unusual number of meeting, briefings, seminars, etc. here in Washington, DC. Everyone will be talking about where they they think space (e.g. NASA) policy and science will be going in the next few months and years. Many events conflict with one another in terms of timing. Many more of these events overlap in terms of their participants with a high quotient of the usual suspects in attendance saying the same thing over and over again to one another. Guess what: no one knows what is going on. Seriously. From the White House on down, no one knows where space policy is going. And the more someone tells you that they do know, the more suspicious you should be of what they say - starting with me. Its a mess folks.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2nXSJW2

