2016年12月8日 星期四

ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/07/2016

Story Time From Space Demo: The crew recorded a narrated video that pairs with the books Max Goes to Mars and Max Goes to Jupiter, that  demonstrates how in the absence of compressive forces exerted by the earth’s gravity, the human body grows/stretches. Story Time From Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Crew members read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related children’s books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crew members videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials.  Fluid Shifts: The crew performed the final day for the Fluid Shift operations in the Russian Service Module (SM) for their Flight Day 45 session.  The subject donned the Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP/Chibis) device, while the operator, with ground support in Moscow, assisted in the medical monitoring.  Additionally, while the subject was in the LBNP and experiencing the negative pressure (pulling the fluid feetward), the Crew Medical Officer performed Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), and Tonometry measurements. Fluid Shifts is a joint NASA-Russian experiment that investigates the causes for severe and lasting physical changes to astronaut’s eyes. Because the headward fluid shift is a hypothesized contributor to these changes, reversing this fluid shift with a lower body negative pressure device is investigated as a possible intervention. Results from this study may help to develop preventative measures against lasting changes in vision and eye damage.  Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock Slide Table Reconfiguration: With the completion of the Robotics External Leak Locator (RELL) checkout, the crew extended the JEM Slide Table into the module and removed the RELL and JEM On-orbit Replacement Units (ORU) Transfer Interface (JOTI).  The crew then installed the Small Fine Arm Attachment Mechanism (SAM) and Multi-Purpose Experiment Platform (MPEP) in preparation for the Japanese Small Satellite Orbital Deployers (J-SSOD) to be delivered on HTV-6.  The JOTI will be returned to its Pressurized Mating Adapter (PMA)-2 stowage location at a future time. Personal CO2 Monitor Calibration: Prior to next week’s long duration Personal CO2 Monitor demonstration, the crew performed a calibration of the sensor, comparing the sensor’s readings to that of the Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA).  The Personal CO2 Monitor demonstrates a system capable of unobtrusively collecting and downlinking individual crew members’ CO2 exposure for weeks to months. This investigation evaluates wearability principles in microgravity and also demonstrates Modular Wearable Architecture Base Board, allowing rapid certification of future wearable devices.  EVERYWEAR Tonometry: The crew performed the first session of the Everywear Tonometry test.  By connecting the Tonometer and the EveryWear application on the iPad, the crew was able to monitor and record pulse waves of the carotid and radial arteries. The EVERYWEAR assistant is an ambulatory data collection system that makes use of wearable sensors connected to a space station iPad tablet computer, which itself, is wirelessly synchronized with computers on the ground. This easy-use system seeks to demonstrate the benefits of extensive physiology data collection for both science and medical follow-up purposes, by improving usability for crew members on the ISS. The main advantage of EVERYWEAR is the ability to aggregate data from different tools, but it also brings with it a simplification in procedures for astronauts. This is a versatile device that can cover a wide variety of needs with a tailored data collection capability that allows a unified treatment of data. The use of this personal assistant brings a very important gain in crew-time availability for ISS crew members.  Meteor Grating Exchange: Today the diffraction grating on the Meteor camera located in the Window Observational Research Facility (WORF) was changed from a fine to a coarse grating. By changing the grating, the scientists are able to observe different frequencies of light. The Meteor payload is a visible spectroscopy instrument with the primary purpose of observing meteors in Earth orbit. Meteor uses image analysis to provide information on the physical and chemical properties of the meteoroid dust, such as size, density, and chemical composition. Since the parent comets or asteroids for most of the meteor showers are identified, the study of the meteoroid dust on orbit provides information about the parent comets and asteroids.  Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS):  OPALS flight software was updated on Tuesday to correct an issue with the laser RS-422 commanding interface. Yesterday the laser unit was powered on and the RS-422 commanding interface was initialized and verified by test. Following OPALS activation today and prior to the optical laser transmission over the Nice, France ground site, OPALS put itself into a “Safe State”.  OPALS is unable to assess and recover prior to the ground pass today, so these operations will be deferred until OPALS performs some troubleshooting steps today, looks at data, and reschedules this ground site opportunity. OPALS tests the potential for using a laser to transmit data to Earth from space.  Instead of being broadcast on radio waves, data is packaged onto beams of laser light and hardware on the International Space Station will point the laser to a receiver station on the ground. Radio waves transmission is limited by the speed that it can transfer data, but beaming information packages with lasers can greatly increase the amount of information transmitted over the same period of time.  Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Troubleshooting:  The crew reconnected Fluids Control and Pump Assembly (FCPA) Quick Disconnect (QD)27 earlier today, this QD has been disconnected since GMT 322.  The UPA has been producing distillate with an elevated conductivity.  Sample results have determined Pre-Treated Urine (PTU) is in the purge distillate.  The source of PTU is either the FCPA or the Distillation Assembly (DA).  Troubleshooting involved disconnecting QD27 for two Advanced Recycle Filter Tank Assembly (ARFTA) concentration cycles to isolate the FCPA housing from the purge distillate.  Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Fluid System Servicer (FSS) Lab Refill Procedure Review: Today, the crew reviewed procedures […]

December 08, 2016 at 12:00AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/2gZWAgX

