2016年12月13日 星期二

NASA Administrator Apprentice Update

Rep. Jim Bridenstine: Why Trump Won, Frontpage Magazine

"And then who was campaigning for Donald Trump? Donald Trump and Mike Pence. And I got so frustrated. By then Hillary Clinton also had Al Gore and all these others, and I got so frustrated I sent a tweet. Ha! And it got a lot of attention. And in the tweet I said: "Given the stakes of this election if Paul Ryan is not for Donald Trump then I am not for Paul Ryan." It is true that Donald Trump has not been in the political arena nor has he been in the politically correct arena. He lives in a quite frankly vulgar industry - the entertainment industry. And I will also tell you that he reflects that."

Keith's note: The Trump cabinet nominees announced thus far run the range from prior supporter to prior opponents. And most of them have no government and/or agency-related subject matter experience. In this case he's loyal but not exactly complementary. So ... comments like this may hurt and/or help Bridenstine in his quest for the NASA (USAF) job. Who knows. Welcome to NASA Administrator Apprentice.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2gYdUjB

