2016年5月17日 星期二

ISS Daily Summary Report – 05/16/16

Rodent Research-3 (RR-3) Transfer and Grip Strength Operations: The crew transferred rodents from their habitats to the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) and successfully performed grip strength measurements on all 20 rodents. The crew also installed hardware and restocked supplies in the MSG to prepare for other RR-3 operations planned for the remainder of the week. The investigation studies the molecular and physical changes to the musculoskeletal system that happen in space. Results will expand scientists’ understanding of muscle atrophy and bone loss in space while testing an antibody that has been known to prevent muscle wasting in mice on Earth.   Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock (JEMAL) NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer #7 (NRCSD 7) Deployment Operations: NRCSD 7 successful deployed the MinXSS and CADRE satellites from Silo 8 at 5:05 AM CDT and STMSat-1, NODeS 1, and NODeS 2 satellites from Silo 7 at 9:20 AM CDT today via ground commanding. Today completes the first of three consecutive days of deployment operations planned for the week. NRCSD 7 contains 17 satellites comprised of MinXSS, CADRE, STMSat-1, 2 NODes, 8 Doves, and 4 LEMUR satellites. The NRCSD is a commercially operated small satellite deployer from the ISS, maximizing full capabilities of each airlock cycle of deployments.   Station Support Computer (SSC) for Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) Laptop Preparation: The crew deployed the BEAM laptop that will be used to operate sensors in the BEAM module in Node 3. The laptop was configured to the Load Image Client (LIC) mode to prepare for upcoming BEAM operations.   Habitability Human Factors Directed Observations: The crew recorded and submitted a walk-through video documenting observations of an area or activity providing insight related to human factors and habitability. The investigation collects observations about the relationship between crew members and their environment on the ISS. Observations can help spacecraft designers understand how much habitable volume is required, and whether a mission’s duration impacts how much space crew members need.   Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Suit Maintenance: The crew performed maintenance tasks on EMU 3003 and EMU 3010 including an EMU swap, water tank dump and fill, a loop scrub, a post-loop scrub water sample, and an EMU conductivity test.  Forward work includes additional cooling loop maintenance and EMU dryout.   Treadmill 2 (T2) Graphic Interface Unit (GUI) Software Issues: Last Thursday, the crew reported several issues with the T2 Graphic User Interface (GUI) software which was updated on May 4.  A FIT was held and recommended software configuration changes to work around the issues.  Parameters in the software were updated on Friday afternoon to disable nuisance warning messages and minimize the slowing and/or stopping of the T2 caused by Command and Logic Unit (CLU) to GUI communication issues. Since the software updates were implemented, initial crew feedback has been positive.   Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Status: During a process cycle on Thursday night, the stationary bowl temperature in the Distillate Assembly (DA) dropped enough to activate thermostatically-controlled heaters which caused the condenser pressure to increase. The UPA was taken to standby. Due to continued concerns regarding elevated conductivity and precipitation events, a FIT was held and one of the recommendations was to R&R the brine filter which was completed today.  The UPA will remain down and the Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) will remain configured to internal EDV. An Advanced Recycle Filter Tank Assembly (ARFTA) R&R as well as conversion of the WHC to alternate pretreat have been planned for tomorrow.   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. JEMRMS RLT2 Activation Extension of Slide Table in JEMAL and Opening Outer Hatch CORRECTSIYA. Logging Liquid and Food (Medication) Intake / r/g 2241 On MCC Go Regeneration of БМП Ф1 Micropurification Cartridge (start) EMU backpack replacement JEMRMS Releasing SAM Latching Arm to prepare Small Satellite Orbital Deployer Rodent Research (RR) Node 2 Camcorder Settings Adjustment Auxiliary Laptop Anti-Virus Update / r/g 8247 PILOT-T. Preparation for the experiment.r/g 2236 HABIT Preparing for the experiment Progress 431 (DC1) Stowage and IMS Ops / r/g 2234 COL HD VCA1 Camera Assembly Activation in High Definition Mode Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Full Water Tank Dump and Fill ARED Flywheel Cylinder Evacuation Progress 432 (Aft) Transfers and IMS Ops (to provide access to АСН-К hardware) / r/g 1812 PPS2 Outlet switch ON PILOT-T. Experiment Ops r/g 2236 KUB6  Centrifuge Check after Installation SPHEROIDS Disconnect and Stow KUB6 Start EMU cooling loop scrub Retracting Slide Table in JEMAL and closing Outer Hatch PPS1 Outlet switch ON KUB5. Centrifuge Check SPHEROIDS Disconnect and Stow KUB5 COL High Definition Video Camera Assembly 1 Switch to SD Mode CubeSat Deployment Photos Rodent Research Animal transfer to MSG and back DAN. Experiment Ops r/g 0119 DAN. Experiment Operator Assistance / r/g 0119 Rodent Research (RR) Measurement Ops Rodent Research Animal transfer to MSG and back Rodent Research (RR) Measurement Ops EMU Cooling Loop Scrub Terminate EMU Conductivity Test Rodent Research Animal transfer to MSG and back HABIT Procedure Review CORRECTSIYA. Logging Liquid and Food (Medication) Intake / r/g 2241 SM Ventilation Subsystem Preventive Maintenance. Group C Brine/urine transfer from EDV-U to Progress 432 (SM Aft) Rodnik H2O Tank1 / r/g 2232 BRI data download to RSS1 laptop / r/g 2052 Replacement of urine receptacle (МП) and filter-insert (Ф-В) in АСУ [АСУ] Activation after replacement / Life Support System СОЖ RED Dragon Camera Setup to support CubeSat Ops SSC for BEAM Laptop Deploy Rodent Research Rodent Research CASIS Setup CubeSat Deployment Photos Maintenance Closures of Vozdukh Valves RED Dragon camera power OFF. EMU Cooling Loop Post Scrub Reconfig PILOT-T. Experiment Ops r/g 2237 SSC for BEAM Laptop  Load Image Client (LIC) mode ARED pin search Sprint Exercise Optional ARED pin R&R СОЖ Maintenance WRM – condensate transfer (init) UPA Brine Filter Gather PILOT-T. Closeout Ops r/g 2237 UPA Brine Filter R&R ECLSS – Recycle Tank R&R IMS Delta File Prep EMU Reconfiguration IMMUNO. Preparing Saliva-Immuno Kit for the experiment / r/g 2238 WRM – condensate transfer (term) URISYS Hardware Setup r/g 2235 EMU Long Dryout […]

May 17, 2016 at 12:42AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/22eT4xP

