2016年5月18日 星期三

NASA Totally Flunks FITARA Scorecard 2 Years In A Row

Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act, Wikipedia

"One of the requirements would be that the government develop a streamlined plan for its acquisitions. The bill would increase the power of existing Chief Information Officers (CIO) within federal agencies so that they could be more effective. Each agency would also be reduced to having only one CIO in the agency, who is then responsible for the success and failure of all IT projects in that agency. The bill would also require the federal government to make use of private sector best practices. The bill is intended to reduce IT procurement related waste."


Oversight Committee FITARA Scorecard (2015) Larger image


Oversight Committee FITARA Scorecard (2016)

Hearing, Federal Information Technology Reform Act Scorecard 2.0, House Oversight Committee

NASA CIO Wynn Testimony

"While NASA has a strong foundation upon which to successfully implement FITARA, we recognize there is still much work to do. As evidenced by my testimony today, NASA is fully committed to implementing FITARA, and we are actively taking steps to complete that implementation as quickly as possible."

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/1st3FIN

