2015年4月30日 星期四

ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/29/15

59 Progress (59P) Status:  Last night Russian ground controllers resumed 59P troubleshooting during Russian ground passes and were able to establish communications with the vehicle and review telemetry.  Russian controllers configured the refueling system to feed the thrusters and made two unsuccessful attempts to command the thrusters to stabilize the vehicle’s angular rotation. Per Mission Control Center Moscow (MCC-M) request, the crew will take photos of 59P when it was estimated to be approximately 170 km under the ISS. In the meantime, Moscow has officially announced that 59P will not dock to the ISS.  Rodent Research-2 Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (RR-2 CASIS): Virts and Kelly performed bone density scans and collected samples from five test subjects.  This research is to monitor the effects of the space environment on the musculoskeletal and neurological systems of mice as model organisms of human health and disease. Living in microgravity results in significant and rapid effects on the physiology of mice that mimic the process of aging and some diseases in humans on Earth, including muscle atrophy and the loss of bone mineral density. This project will help scientists to discover new molecular targets that can facilitate the development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of muscle and bone-related diseases. Long-duration exposure to microgravity will also induce changes in gene expression, protein synthesis, metabolism, and eye structure/morphology that will be identifiable as a series of assessable biomarkers for tracking the onset and progression of disease. Gene, Immune and Cellular Responses to Single and Combined Space Flight Conditions – A (Triplelux-A): Cristoforetti continued operations for the first runs of Triplelux-A. She integrated the first Experiment Container (EC) handling Mechanism (HM) interface in the EC and installed the EC on the Biolab rotor, retrieved the Triplelux Reservoir A (three) and installed into the Triplelux-A automatic ambient stowage (AAS) Insert.  Finally, the crew retrieved the first culture tube A (one) from MELFI, thawed in the Biolab glovebox and inserted into the Tripleux EC.  Triplelux-A uses a rat macrophage cell line to investigate and compare the ability of macrophages to kill pathogens under normal gravity and microgravity conditions. The goal is to gain a better understanding of immune suppression in spaceflight. Electromagnetic Levitation (EML):  Cristoforetti changed the mode of the High Speed Camera to change the magnification factor. The EML provides containerless processing of liquid metals in a micro-gravity environment and precise measurement of their thermo-physical properties. EML aims to increase the performance of metallic/alloy structures through an understanding of how solidification can be controlled and develop a data base of properties to allow better process modeling. The experiment investigates solidification and microstructural evolution and evaluates thermo-physical properties of highly reactive molten metals. Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF):  Cristoforetti performed the second of three on board cable reconfigurations on the SCOF to support ground checkouts. This is in preparation for the Soret Facet cell2 experiment planned for May 12. The Soret effect in fluids is a thermodynamic phenomenon in which different particles respond in different ways to varying temperatures. The effect, studied by the Swiss chemist Charles Soret, has been difficult to examine in detail on Earth because of gravity. The Study on Soret effect (thermal diffusion process) for the mixed solution by the in-situ observation technique facilitated at SCOF (Soret-Facet) is the first investigation to verify Soret conditions in steady and changing conditions, and to compare the Soret effect in microgravity with results on the ground, an important measurement for calibrating future investigations. False Fire Indication in Treadmill 2 (T2) Rack: This morning a fire alarm annunciated in the T2 rack. The crew immediately powered down the rack.  Cabin and fire port Compound Specific Analyzer-Combustible Products (CSA-CP) readings were zero with no odor present.  At the time of the alarm, the crew was exercising on T2 and reported that the tread belt stopped moving immediately prior to the alarm.  T2 is currently powered down and the crew is no-go for exercise. Public Affairs Event:  Kelly and Kornienko participated in an One Year Crew interview with the Associated Press and Westwood One Radio Network.   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Reaction Time Test (morning) IMS Tagup (S-band) JRNL – Journal Entry TPLXA – Hardware Unpack Conference on specifics of ТКГ 426 docking. Consolidation of Personal Hygiene Article for Priority Use TPLXA – Hardware Unstow and Preparation USND2 – Hardware Activation CARDOX – Preparation Steps and Hardware Setup Rodent Research (RR) – Fixative Swap LBNP – Exercise (PRELIMINARY) assistance LBNP Exercise (PRELIMINARY). EML – Camcorder Config CARDOX – Experiment Ops OTKLIK. Hardware Check CARDOX – Scanning (operator) MOTOCARD. Experiment Ops. Cleaning ВД1 and ВД2 Air Ducts in DC1 TPLXA – Triplelux Transfer to the Glovebox TORU OBT [Aborted] MOTOCARD. Assistance with the Experiment CARDOX – Blood Pressure Operations DRAGON Transfers Ops RR-MELFI. Sample Relocation between Different MELFI Sections TPLXA – Hardware Setup Hardware prepack for return and disposal on ТК 715 USND2 – Hardware Deactivation and Stowage PAO Hardware Setup Crew Prep for PAO PAO Event DRAGON Transfers Ops Symbolic Activity DRAGON Transfers Ops TPLXA – Preparation Ops HRF – Hardware Setup Symbolic Activity Dragon -Transfers Tagup Cleaning fan grilles on FGB interior panels (panels 201, 301, 401) Separation of EDV (KOV) ФГБ1ПГО_4_404_1. EDV for separation No.1104 Hardware prepack for return and disposal on ТК 715 SCOF – Cable Reconfiguration MSG – Powerdown TPLXA – Hardware Gather TPLXA – Tube insertion into Glovebox СОЖ Maintenance Crew prep for departure Cleaning fan grilles on FGB interior panels (116, 316, 231, 431) TPLXA – Hardware Setup CONTENT. Experiment Ops IMS Delta File Prep TPLXA – Equipment Stowage Dragon Cargo Operations Conference Closing window shutters 6,8,9,12,13,14 REACTION Experiment Ops Reaction Time Test (evening) Completed Task List Items None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Rodent Research ops Cardio Ox Ultrasound ops JEM RMS MNVR [On Schedule] Three-Day Look Ahead: Thursday, 04/30: 41S undock pre-pack, Body Measures, Space Aging sample 1, JEMAL table extension for RRM Friday, 05/01: USOS crew half day off, DRAGON […]

April 30, 2015 at 01:03AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1KwTIxT

