2015年4月24日 星期五

ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/23/15

Pre-Determined Debris Avoidance Maneuver (PDAM): Last night at 8:00 PM CDT the Flight Control Team was notified of a high concern, late notice conjunction. A PDAM was performed today at 12:35 AM CDT using 58P thrusters. Burn duration was 2 minutes, 20 seconds with a Delta-V of 0.3 meters/second.  Ocular Health: Padalka and Kornienko, with Virts as their Crew Medical Officer (CMO), performed ocular and cardiac echo ultrasound measurements as part of the Ocular Health medical evaluation.  The ultrasound images will be used to identify changes in globe morphology, including flattening of the posterior globe, and document optic nerve sheath diameter, optic nerve sheath tortuosity, globe axial measurements, and choroidal engorgement.  Ocular Health protocol calls for a systematic gathering of physiological data to characterize the risk of microgravity-induced visual impairment/intracranial pressure in ISS crewmembers. Researchers believe that the measurement of visual, vascular and central nervous system changes over the course of this experiment and during the subsequent post-flight recovery will assist in the development of countermeasures, clinical monitoring strategies, and clinical practice guidelines. Rodent Research-2 Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (RR-2 CASIS): Kelly cleaned the Animal Access Unit following Tuesday’s sample collections.  Disposable items were removed and bagged and consumable items were replaced with spares. Cold Stowage Operations: Virts completed a nominal maintenance activity of desiccant swap on the Polar-2 cooler located in EXpedite PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) Rack 8.  He then stowed the Ice Bricks brought up by SpX-6 currently in the Double Cold Bags. Robotics Operations: In preparation for next week’s Robotics Refueling Mission (RRM) transfer operations, today Robotics ground controllers translated the Mobile Transporter (MT) from Work Site (WS)-4 to WS7. Dragon Cargo Operations: The USOS crew spent a large portion of their day transferring cargo from the Dragon vehicle. Cargo operations were reported to be approximately 25% complete at the end of yesterday’s crew day. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. SLEEP Questionnaire MYCO – Morning Sample Collection MYCO – Sample MELFI Insertion USND2 – Hardware Activation OBSTANOVKA.  (start) Maintenance Activation of Spare Atmosphere Purification System Emergency Vacuum Valves [АВК СОА] JEM Remote Sensor Unit Battery R&R Ultrasound2 – Scanning Prep Ultrasound2 – Scanning Ops VIBROLAB. Hardware Modes Check. DRAGON Transfer Ops SEISMOPROGNOZ.(start). COSMOCARD. Closeout Ops Ultrasound2 – Data Export СТТС Configuration for MRM2 Connecting HDV Sony HRV-Z7E Camcorder on MRM2 EV1 window and Running NASA MPEG-2 Viewer Ultrasound2 – Scanning Ops CARDIOVECTOR. Experiment Ops. Pointing camera to High-Gain Antenna boom (ОНА ) for САУП ОНА Drive Test.  Comm reconfig for nominal ops СОЖ Maintenance Ultrasound2 –  Data Export VIBROLAB. Copy and Downlink Data Ultrasound 2 – Scanning Set up video equipment to record ARED exercise OH-CARDIAC – Preparation Rodent Research (RR) – Cleaning Animal Access Unit OBSTANOVKA. (end) HDV Sony HRF-ZTE camcoder power off Ocular Health – Cardiac Ops OCT Exam OH-CARDIAC – Ocular Health Operator Evaluation of Orthostatic Stability with LBNP (assistance) Orthostatic Stability Evaluation with LBNP.  OH-CARDIAC – Closeout Ops ARED Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification OH-CARDIAC – Data Export DRAGON  Transfer Ops ESA Weekly Crew Conference EML – Lens Replacement USND2 – Hardware Deactivation Kazbek Fit Check Completing activities with NASA MPEG-2 Viewer application,  Closeout ops TORU OBT. Removal of ЛКТ (ТА251МБ) No.1417726326 and ROM from ТКГ 424 (DC1) Camcorder Stowage DRAGON Transfer Ops POLAR1 – Desiccant Pack Swap PAO Hardware Setup Double Cold Bag (DCB) Stowage of Ice Bricks Crew Prep for PAO PAO Event DRAGON Transfer Ops IMS Delta File Prep SEISMOPROGNOZ. MATRYOSHKA-R. BUBBLE-dosimeter collection and measurements. DRAGON – Transfers Tagup DRAGON Transfers Conference SPLANH. Preparation for Experiment RELAKSATSIYA. Start Video Camera Battery Charge NMAP – Reading Reminder Completed Task List Items None Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. MT Translate from WS4 to WS7 [In work] Ocular Health operations RR access unit cleaning Three-Day Look Ahead: Friday, 04/24: NeuroMapping Neurocognitive Ops, USOS Crew off duty Saturday, 04/25: Crew off duty, housekeeping Sunday, 04/26: Crew off duty, Fine Motor Skills QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:                               Component Status Elektron Off Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Operate Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Shutdown Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Standby Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Off Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Full Up  

April 24, 2015 at 01:25AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1Okuvwm

