2020年11月30日 星期一

Biden Breaks Foot Engaging in Tried-and-True Expression of Presidential Vigor

Joe Biden jogs offstage after a campaign rally at Bucks County Community College in Pennsylvania. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

President-elect Joe Biden suffered a hairline fracture of his foot Saturday while engaging in one of the most presidential acts of performative vigor—playing around with his dog. The 78-year-old apparently slipped and twisted his ankle horsing around with the family German shepherd, Major, during the post-Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Biden went to see an orthopedic specialist Sunday afternoon in Delaware.

“Initial x-rays did not show any obvious fracture, but his clinical exam warranted more detailed imaging,” said Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the director of executive medicine at The George Washington Medical Faculty Associates and Biden’s primary care doctor for more than a decade. “Follow-up CT scan confirmed hairline (small) fractures of President-elect Biden’s lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones, which are in the mid-foot. It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks.”

Current president, Donald Trump, responded on Twitter surely out of legitimate concern and good will and not sarcasm.

Since this is a pet post, as well as an orthopedic one, here is a fuller picture at the Bidens’ pet situation—and plans. “They have another German shepherd, Champ, and have announced plans to get a cat when they move into the White House next year, as well,” the New York Times notes. “Mr. Trump had no pet during his four years in the White House.” Sad!

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/39wqcO7

