2020年5月24日 星期日

The Greatest Generation - And The Artemis Generation

Keith's note: I am currently writing a piece now about the so-called "Artemis Generation", a phrase coined by NASA. Will they rise above things that now confront them or succumb to them? I am not sure. My Dad grew up during The Great Depression and then endured World War II - nearly being killed by a V-2 impact in London. From the sacrifice of the so-called "Greatest Generation" sprang the forces that propelled America to the Moon and later to send spacecraft into interstellar space on converted ICBMs - rockets directly derived from the missile that almost prevented me from existing.

The Artemis Generation faces many things - school shootings, crushing debt, the pandemic, and a government that seems to have failed them. Its almost as if they have to deal with The Great Depression and post-World War II life all at once - at high speed. My generation grew up inspired by humanity's first visits to the Moon as they unfolded before our young, impressionable eyes. World War II was as close to us then as 9/11 is now. Will the Artemis Generation be similarly inspired? If NASA wants to have a similar Apollo-like impact with the Artemis Generation they need to double down and work even harder than they are.

Meanwhile, on this Memorial Day I thought I'd repost an article I wrote about my father's brush with death from a weapon that fell upon him from space. I still stand in awe of what his generation went through and what they did after that was over.

That Time Wernher von Braun's Rocket Tried To Kill My Father

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2TBbXyJ

