2019年8月30日 星期五

Joe Biden Is Not Cratering

1. Joe Biden

It’s been a pretty ugly summer. He still leads.

There was a comical moment earlier this week in which it looked like voters might actually be turning on Joe Biden. A national poll from Monmouth University, a quality pollster, showed Biden falling to 19 percent from his usual perch in the low 30s, trailing Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, each at 20 percent. Over the next couple of days, however, a slew of other national polls came out showing Biden still in the low 30s, prompting Monmouth to issue a statement acknowledging that its survey was a foul ball. Those few hours after the Monmouth poll was released, though, were quite a time to be alive. What if a summer of bad debates, stammering, “gaffes,” and general questions about Biden’s cognitive fitness really were catching up to him? What if the words Biden and electable really had been divorced in the collective mindset of the Democratic primary voter? Was seeing Biden refer to New Hampshire, the very famous and well-known first primary state, as VERMONT the final straw? Nope. Biden’s doing just fine in the polls. He’s still the leader. One season down, a couple more to go.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/32iFaRc

