2019年5月28日 星期二

Farewell To Long-term Climate Change Predictions

Trump administration orders government agency to stop predicting long-term climate change impacts, The Independent

"The Trump administration has told a major US government department to end predicting what the long-term effects of climate change will be on the country. Director of the US Geological Survey (USGS) James Reilly - a White House-appointed former oil geologist - ordered that scientific assessments only use computer-generated models that track the possible impact of climate change until 2040, according to The New York Times. Previously the USGS modelled effects until the end of the century, the second half of which is likely to see the most dramatic impacts of global warming. The order is likely to impact the US government's National Climate Assessment, an interagency report produced every four years which outlines the projected impact of climate change in every corner of US society."

Keith's note: NASA is one of the agencies participating in The National Climate Assessment. It is only a matter of time before these edicts affect NASA. Alas, NASA will continue to study long term climate trends on other planets - just not the one we live on.

from NASA Watch http://bit.ly/2EFFRKP

