2018年4月25日 星期三

Tom Cremins Is Acting Chief of Staff

NASA Internal Memo: Tom Cremins Appointed Acting Chief of Staff

"I wanted to let the workforce know that I have asked NASA veteran Tom Cremins to serve as my Acting Chief of Staff on an interim basis while I transition into the job of NASA Administrator. Tom led the overall transition effort and was critical to Robert Lightfoot's work to lead the agency over the past 15 months, and I know I will benefit from his 25 years of diverse NASA leadership experience. Tom will continue to serve as the Associate Administrator for Strategy and Plans, as he has since November 2015. I am grateful to Tom for his willingness to help in this role until I bring aboard a permanent Chief of Staff. Ad astra, Jim Bridenstine"

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2qVPNsU

