2017年12月21日 星期四

Bridenstine Confirmation Update

Keith's note: With government shut down issues and an evaporating calendar, it is unlikely that Rep. Bridenstine nomination to be NASA Administrator will come up in 2017. Right now the expected support for Rep. Bridenstine remains exactly where it has been for him (and many other Trump nominees) for many months: split along party lines. With Sen. Rubio still in the "no" column if the vote were taken today (and Sen. McCain and Sen. Cochran were well enough to be in town to vote) it is expected that Bridenstine would be confirmed 51 to 49. With a vote that is now most likely to happen in January (or later) in 2018, and the seating of Sen.-Elect Jones (D-AL), the expected vote would be 50/50 with Vice President Pence casting a tie breaking vote.

Of course Bridenstine's nomination from the White House would have to be re-sent for the second session of this Congress. All sources report that the Administration is still firmly behind Bridenstine and that this "re-nomination" as a mater of routine paperwork will happen after the holidays. The knife edge aspect of the expected vote is due to the hyper-partisan state of affairs here in Washington. Under more traditional circumstances Bridenstine would have a larger number of Democratic votes to confirm. Once he is confirmed that bipartisan support should become evident.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2BRYP0L

