2017年8月21日 星期一

Trump Eliminates National Climate Assessment Panel

The Trump administration just disbanded a federal advisory committee on climate change, Washington Post

"The Trump administration has decided to disband the federal advisory panel for the National Climate Assessment, a group aimed at helping policymakers and private-sector officials incorporate the government's climate analysis into long-term planning. ... Administration officials are currently reviewing a scientific report that is key to the final document. Known as the Climate Science Special Report, it was produced by scientists from 13 different federal agencies and estimates that human activities were responsible for an increase in global temperatures of 1.1 to 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit from 1951 to 2010."

- Third draft of the Climate Science Special Report (NOAA and NASA are the lead authors).
- Will Saying "Climate Change" Be Banned At All Government Agencies Or Just Some Of Them?

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2x6lEIQ

