2017年7月28日 星期五

Is TrumpSpace Just Another Journey To Nowhere?

Will Trump get a man to Mars?, Politico

"Even Trump's space policy adviser for his campaign and transition says getting a man or woman on the face of Mars by 2024 is virtually impossible. "I don't think you'll get there [to Mars]," former Pennsylvania Rep. Bob Walker said in an interview about the possibilities under the Trump White House. "I do think that we will probably have a flight to the moon, an Apollo 8-type flight where you go up and go around the moon in a fairly short period of time." A NASA official who served under former President Barack Obama shared Walker's prediction. "I think things could go very well for going to the moon, which I think is more likely to be a Trump agenda," said Lori Garver, Obama's deputy NASA administrator. During his first six months in office, Trump has laid out an ambitious -- if non-specific -- space agenda."

How Jonathan Dimock Auditioned To Be NASA White House Liaison, earlier post

"National Aeronautic Space Administration (NASA or Deep Space Exploration Administration or DSEA) -Aside from the fact this is based very heavily in science, there is also a large cry to reduce their $105.5b budget and even movements to roll our space program into DSEA. With the help of, and to the credit of, the administration there can be drastic cost cuttings for big wins for the administration."

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2v7PnCu

