2017年4月13日 星期四

Court Says Elderly Woman Roughed Up By NASA IG Moon Rock Sting Can Sue

NASA detained a 75-year-old woman selling a tiny moon rock. An appeals court says she can sue, LA Times

"A 75-year-old woman who tried to sell a paperweight containing a speck of moon rock may try to hold a federal agent liable for detaining her for two hours in a public parking lot in urine-soaked pants, a federal appeals court decided unanimously Thursday. The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said Joann Davis, the widow of an engineer who worked with NASA, was entitled to show that her detention was "unreasonably prolonged and unnecessarily degrading." The federal agent "organized a sting operation involving six armed officers to forcibly seize a Lucite paperweight containing a moon rock the size of a rice grain from an elderly grandmother," Chief 9th Circuit Judge Sidney R. Thomas wrote for a three-judge panel."

Davis v United States

"9th Cir. No. 15-55671 Consuelo B. Marshall, District Judge, Presiding Before: Sidney R. Thomas, Chief Judge, and Andrew J. Kleinfeld and Jacqueline H. Nguyen, Circuit Judges.: Government agent not entitled to qualified immunity for "prolonged and degrading" detention of elderly woman in parking lot (Thomas, J.)"

- NASA OIG Admits The Obvious About Moon Rocks
- NASA IG Sends Cops in Flack Vests After 74 Year Old, 4'11" Grandmother, earlier post
- NASA IG Refuses To Comment on Official Abuse of Elderly Woman, earlier post
- NASA's Inconsistent Policy Regarding The Sale Of Apollo Era Items, earlier post

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2pflv1Q

