2016年11月29日 星期二

NASA Has Its First Landing Team Member

President-Elect Trump Announces Additional Agency Landing Team Members

"National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Christopher Shank
Employer (current or most recent): U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology (Retired)
Funding source: Volunteer"

Keith's note: Chris Shank is currently policy director for the Science, Space, and Technology Committee. Prior to that he worked at NASA as part of Mike Griffin's so-called "Band of Brothers" as Director of Strategic Investments and Chief of Strategic Communications. It would not necessarily be incorrect to look at what the House Science Committee has been doing over the past few years (Pro-Constellation, Pro-SLS, Anti-ARM, preference for going back to the Moon, Earth science skepticism, subpoenas to NOAA and EPA over climate and environmental issues) to get an understanding of Shank's possible stance on space issues. That said, Chris certainly understands space.

Also, Mark Albrecht, once thought by many to be part of NASA's transition team, is listed as one of the Department of Defense Landing Team members.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2gSVhRB

