2016年7月19日 星期二

NASA Has A New Chief Information Security Officer

NASA hires cyber mainstay as CISO, FedScoop

"NASA CIO Renee Wynn selected [Jeanette] Hanna-Ruiz to officially begin on Aug. 8 after spending 20 years in public sector information security positions, according to an official release Tuesday. Hanna-Ruiz helped write the Cyberspace Policy Review that outlined the country's cyber strategy when President Barack Obama took office in 2009. She also worked at the Department of Homeland Security-National Security Agency Joint Cyber Coordination Group, and helped develop the DHS' cyber missions and capabilities. ... NASA received an F in May on a Government Accountability Office-issued FITARA scorecard, which compiled scores based on agencies' achievements in four categories: data center consolidation, IT portfolio review savings, incremental development and risk assessment transparency."

NASA Totally Flunks FITARA Scorecard 2 Years In A Row, earlier post

- @jhannaruiz 0 TWEETS - 0 FOLLOWING - 30 FOLLOWERS
- Jeanette Hanna-Ruiz, LinkedIn

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2aeqRXA

