2016年6月15日 星期三

ISS Daily Summary Report – 06/14/16

Cygnus Departure: Cygnus unberthed nominally from the ISS at 6:45AM CDT with release at 8:35AM CDT. Post departure science objectives including Saffire, NanoRacks CubeSat deployments, and ReEntry Breakup Recorder – Wireless (REBR-W) are scheduled to occur prior to re-entry on June 22. Saffire-I intentionally lights a large-scale fire inside the empty Cygnus resupply vehicle after it leaves the ISS and before it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere. Because fire is extremely dangerous on a spacecraft, most previous controlled flame experiments have been limited to small sizes. Subsequent experiment data downloads can take up to eight days to complete. The NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer- External (NRCSD-E) is a ground loaded launch case designed to be mounted externally and deploy cubesats from a free-flying spacecraft. REBR-W is a cost-effective system that rides a re-entering space vehicle, records data during the re-entry and breakup of the vehicle, and returns the data for analysis. Understanding how vehicles behave during atmospheric reentry gives future spacecraft developers unique information that can enhance design efficiencies and safety.   Spacecraft Fire Experiment-I (Saffire-I) Operations: Following the unberth of OA-6 from the International Space Station (ISS), Saffire-I began the first of two phases by turning on the power to the experiment avionics, initiating the experiment run, and recording and compressing the resulting data.  The second phase is composed of data downloads which could take up to eight days to complete.   Microbiome:  The crew collected several samples from various physical surfaces before stowing the samples in MELFI (Minus Eighty-degree Freezer for ISS). Microbiome investigates the impact of space travel on both the human immune system and an individual’s microbiome (the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body at any given time).   Manufacturing Device Print Removal: The crew removed and stowed a recently printed 3D object and cleaned the extruder print nozzle. The Manufacturing Device hardware consists of a single EXPRESS locker equivalent which houses a 3D printer and associated hardware.   Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator (MERLIN) Desiccant Kit Removal: Eight desiccant packs were removed and discarded from inside MERLIN and the MERLIN door was partially opened for a 24-hour dryout period. The MERLIN provides a single middeck locker-sized Expedite the Processing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) Rack compatible freezer/refrigerator or incubator that can be used for a variety of experiments.   Dose Tracker: The crew completed entries for medication tracking today. This investigation documents the medication usage of crew members before and during their missions by capturing data regarding medication use during spaceflight, including side effect qualities, frequencies and severities. The data is expected to either support or counter anecdotal evidence of medication ineffectiveness during flight and unusual side effects experienced during flight. It is also expected that specific, near-real-time questioning about symptom relief and side effects will provide the data required to establish whether spaceflight-associated alterations in pharmacokinetics (PK) or pharmacodynamics (PD) is occurring during missions.   External robotics operations: Robotics ground controllers unberthed Cygnus from the Node 1 Nadir (N1N) Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) and manuevered it to the release position using the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS).  The ISS crew then released the vehicle and backed the SSRMS away. Following Cygnus departure, ground controllers maneuvered the SSRMS to a park position. They then de-configured the MSS from Hot Backup and supported a video survey of the N1N CBM. Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) High Conductivity Fault – This morning UPA faulted due to high conductivity.  This is the first process cycle since UPA was shut down due to erratic conductivity of the urine distillate.  UPA was recovered and is currently processing. Node 3 Forward Hatch Handle Guide Install – Today the crew completed the Node 3 Forward hatch handle guide installation. Oxygen Generator System (OGS) Recirculation Loop Sample and Activated Carbon/Ion Exchange (ACTEX) Cartridge Replacement – The crew performed sample draws of the OGS recirculation loop for return and replaced the ACTEX cartridge.  The loop sample is performed every 180 days, and the ACTEX cartridge is changed out every 730 days.   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Samples Collection in CQs using CDM HRF. Samples Collection and Preparation for Stowage HRF. Insertion of Samples into MELFI BIOME. Samples Collection HRF. Insertion of Samples into MELFI Checking the Results of Antivirus Scanning on [ВКС] Laptops / r/g 8247 OTKLIK. Hardware Monitoring / r/g 1588 HMS. Vision Test Closing of USOS Windows Shutters ISS Ham Video Deactivation Cygnus-Node1 Vestibule Depressurization – Part 1 СОЖ Maintenance HMS. Vision Questionnaire Functionality Check of RSE-Med USB ports r/g 2517 HMS. Hardware Setup prior to Tonometry Test DOSETRK Questionnaire Tonometry Test – CMO Photography of the Window in the Descent Module ([СА]) of Soyuz 720 in Plane IV / r/g 2511 Tonometry Test – Subject UDOD. Experiment Ops with DYKHANIYE-1 and SPRUT-2 Kits r/g 2506 Tonometry Hardware Restow MERLIN Desiccant Kit Removal Removal, Cleaning and Stow of the Item Printed on the 3D Printer UDOD. Photography during the Experiment / r/g 2505 Cygnus-Node1 Vestibule Depressurization – Part 2 LAB Camcorder Setup on LAB RWS Monitor 3 Transfer of Cargo to Soyuz 719 for Return / r/g 2529 Cygnus. PCS Command and PROX Link Verification Inflight Maintenance. Hatch Guide Installation Water Recovery Management (WRM) Condensate Transfer (start) Node 1 Nadir- Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) Demate J-ITCS. ITCS Coolant Sampling Adapter Installation Soyuz 720 IRIDIUM Telephone Setup and Charging (start) Soyuz 720 IRIDIUM Telephone – Monitoring Battery Charge Water Recovery Management (WRM) Condensate Transfer (end) Soyuz 720 IRIDIUM Telephone Charging (end) CBEF. Reconfiguration Cygnus-Node1 Vestibule Depressurization – Part 3 DRAGON. Cargo Transfer Ops Inflight Maintenance (IFM) Oxygen Generation System (OGS) Hardware Gather OGS. ACTEX Cartridge Flushing Crew Departure Prepartion for Return to Earth SSRMS. Cygnus Release Control RELAKSATSIYA. Hardware Setup r/g 2510 TV Downlink Test via Ku-band in MPEG-2 prior to Soyuz 731 Docking to the ISS Inflight Maintenance. OGS Internal ACTEX Cartridge R&R Soyuz 719 IRIDIUM Telephone Charging (start) / Communication System [PТК] Cygnus. PROX Power Off RELAKSATSIYA. Setting Parameters r/g 2510 PILOT-T. Experiment […]

June 15, 2016 at 01:36AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1Q40vpV

