2016年4月1日 星期五

ISS Daily Summary Report – 03/31/16

63 Progress (63P) Launch: 63P launched at 11:23AM CDT today. Orbital insertion was nominal, and the vehicle is performing well.  Docking is scheduled to occur this Saturday at 1:00PM CDT.   Thermolab De-instrumentation for Circadian Rhythms: Peake removed the double sensors and the Thermolab Unit before cleaning and stowing the equipment after completing the measurement process of the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Circadian Rhythm experiment. The measurement process takes 36 hours, over a three day period to complete. The objective of the experiment is to get a better understanding of alterations in circadian rhythms in humans during long-term space flights. Such knowledge will not only provide important insights into the adaptations of the human autonomic nervous system in space over time, but also has significant practical implications by helping to improve physical exercise, rest- and work shifts as well as fostering adequate workplace illumination in the sense of occupational healthcare in future space missions.   Energy Experiment: Peake set up the Armband Activity Monitor and took a water sample from the Potable Water Device (PWD) in support of ESA’s Energy experiment. The Pulmonary Function System (PFS) instrument setup and other planned activities will be scheduled during the experiment session expected the week of April 18.   Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) Reconfiguration and Removal: In support of the Mouse Epigenetics experiment, Williams reconfigured video cables between the CBEF and the Video compression and Recording Unit 2 (VRU2) as well as between the CBEF and Image Processing Unit (IPU) from single channel to multiple channel, and attached video transformers. The CBEF is a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) sub-rack facility located in the Saibo Experiment Rack and is used in various life science experiments such as cultivating cells and plants in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM). The CBEF consists of an incubator and control equipment and is used to control temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide concentration for cultivation of cells and plants.   Sprint Ultrasound 2 Operations: Kopra and Williams completed operational phases of Sprint VO2, including video setup, exercise preparation and instrument calibrations, exercise protocol, cessation, and data downlink. Peake assisted with placing reference marks on the thigh and calf of the right leg, and with donning the Sprint Thigh and Calf Guides. Sprint VO2 is a test that measures oxygen uptake, ventilatory threshold, and other physiological parameters for evaluation of Sprint exercise prescription.  It uses the Portable Pulmonary Function System (PFS), CEVIS, PFS Gas Cylinders, Mixing Bag System (MBS), and multiple other pieces of hardware. Ultrasound scans are used to evaluate spaceflight-induced changes in the muscle volume.   Strata-1 Payload Install: Peake installed the Strata hardware into an EXPRESS Rack in the US Lab. The Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS) sensor enclosure will be moved from the JEM to the Strata payload for activation and checkout activities tomorrow. Strata-1 investigates the properties and behavior of regolith on small, airless bodies.  Regolith is the impact-shattered “soil” found on asteroids, comets, the Moon, and other airless worlds, but it is different from soil here on Earth in that it contains no living material.  Strata-1’s goal is to provide answers about how regolith behaves and moves in microgravity, how easy or difficult it is to anchor a spacecraft in regolith, how it interacts with spacecraft and spacesuit materials, and other properties.  It is important to NASA to know how to set anchors in regolith, how to safely move and process large volumes of regolith, and predict and prevent risk to spacecraft and astronauts visiting these small bodies.   Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Operations: Kopra bundled and stowed EMUs 3003 and 3010 in the Crewlock, then unbundled EMU 3005 and EMU 3008 and installed EMU Don/Doff Assemblies (EDDAs) in those suits for tomorrow’s loop scrub activities. He also cycled the Secondary Oxygen Package Checkout Fixture (SCOF) relief valves on 3005 and 3008. The SCOF allows pressurization of the ventilation loop of the EMU without completely assembling the full suit and should be physically cycled once per year.   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. USND2 – Hardware Activation SPRINT – Hardware Power Up ISS crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Management Team) weekly conference r/g 1792 SPRINT Experiment Ops GREAT START. Video Script Review r/g 1817 CRHYT – Hardware Removal SPRINT – Donning Equipment (assistance) IMS Tagup (S-band) / r/g 1813 Study of cardiovascular system under graded physical load on VELO (Operator) Verification of ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position / Pressure Control & Atmosphere Monitoring System Study of Cardiovascular System Under Graded Physical Load on VELO. SPRINT – Equipment Stowage STRATA – Payload Installation in EXPRESS Rack Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification On MCC Go ЗУ1Б Remove and Replace with ЗУ1А / r/g 1801 STRATA – Hardware Relocate [Deferred] CIR – Equipment Removal USND2 – Equipment Deactivation and Stowage CBEF – Cable Reconfig 24-hour ECG Monitoring (termination) / r/g 1798 Crew Prep for PAO / r/g 1819 PAO Hardware Setup 24-hour BP Monitoring (end) r/g 1799 TV Conference with Voskhod recreation camp. /  r/g 1819 IDENTIFICATION. Copy ИМУ-Ц micro-accelerometer data to laptop / r/g 1589 24-hour ECG Monitoring (start) / r/g 1798 24-hour BP Monitoring (start) r/g 1799 EMU backpack replacement ESA Weekly Crew Conference ALGOMETRIA. Experiment Ops / r/g 1815 Transfer of Thermal Protection Jackets [ТЗК] from Soyuz 719 to ISS / r/g 1814 ENERGY – Monitor Installation ISS Crew Handover / Handover Recommendations (РПС) Water separation to EDV through Separation Assembly / r/g 1820 ENERGY – Water Sampling EMU Secondary Oxygen Package (SOP) Check-Out Fixture SCOF Positive Pressure Relief Valve cycling CBEF – Cable Removal ISS Crew Handover / Handover Recommendations (РПС) CBEF – Cable Reconfig ARED Exercise Video Equipment Stowage ENERGY – PFS Setup [Deferred] ALGOMETRIA. Experiment Ops / r/g 1816 GREAT START. Preparation for the Experiment / r/g 1817 GREAT START. EPO session and video recording of Regeneratsiya experiment / r/g 1817 GREAT START. Closeout Ops / r/g 1817 STRATA – Hardware Activation [Deferred] MERLIN Desiccant Replacement Water separation to EDV through Separation Assembly [УС] / Closeout Ops […]

April 01, 2016 at 01:17AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/25AH3FP

