2016年1月22日 星期五

ISS Daily Summary Report – 01/21/16

Ocular Health:  Kopra and Peake performed their Flight Day 30 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) to measure retinal thickness, and this afternoon conducted fundoscopy measurements to obtain images of the retinal surface.  By systematically gathering physiological data to characterize the risk of microgravity-induced visual impairment/intracranial pressure in ISS crewmembers, the Ocular Health experiment will give a better understanding of visual, vascular and central nervous system changes over the course of spaceflight and post-flight recovery.   Airway Monitoring:  Peake and Kopra used the Airway Monitoring equipment this morning to perform Nitric Oxide (NO) measurements at ambient pressure.  Peake performed a calibration and then three Fractional Expired Nitric Oxide (FENO) measurements.  Kopra was able to successfully perform two of his three FENO measurements due to a kinked cable, recalibrated the system and collected three Diffuse Capacity in Lungs Nitric Oxide (DLNO) measurements.  Peake completed his DLNO measurements and then powered down and stowed the Airway Monitoring equipment.  Ground teams are analyzing the downlinked data of the FENO (low NO) protocol (determines how much NO is exhaled with respiration) and the DLNO (high NO) protocol (determines how much NO is diffused into the blood).  The primary goals of the Airway Monitoring experiment is to determine how gravity and microgravity influence the turnover of Nitric Oxide (NO) in the lungs.  During future manned missions to the Moon and to Mars, airway inflammation due to toxic dust inhalation is a risk factor. Since dust may cause airway inflammation and since such inflammation can be monitored by exhaled NO (Nitric Oxide) analysis the present study is highly relevant for astronaut health in future space programs.  The next Airway Monitoring session will be scheduled at the end of February, and will utilize the reduced pressure of the Joint Airlock.   Russian Segment (RS) Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparations: Kopra gathered and transferred US tools to the Russian Segment in preparation for RS EVA #42 currently planned for February 3.   ISS Emergency Response On-Board Training (OBT): This training session was performed by both the ground and crew to practice ISS Emergency response based on information provided by a simulator.  During the exercise the crew practiced required actions for two cases: a fire in Mini Research Module-2 (MRM-2) and an ammonia leak in the US segment. Following the training the crew and ground teams conducted a conference to discuss questions and comments.   Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Communications Unit (CUCU) Loop Back Test – Today, ground teams successfully checked out the path carrying UHF Radio Frequency (RF) signals to/from CUCU and Space to Space Station Radio (SSSR) to the UHF Antennas. The loop back test radiated from both the US Lab UHF and P1 UHF antennas to the CUCU.  The test was performed to obtain baseline data prior to installation of the External Wireless Communications (EWC) internal cabling, and will be repeated post EWC cable installation.  The cable installation is expected to be completed in Increment 47   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were performed unless otherwise noted. Laptop RS1(2) Reboot SLEEP – Questionnaire RSS1,2 Reboot SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test TWIN – Urine Sample Collection HRF Blood Sample Collection and Cold Stowage PILOT-T. Experiment Ops Health Management System (HMS) – Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) AIRMON – Experiment Ops CUCU – Activation COSMOCARD. Setup. Starting 24-hr ECG Recording Preparing for Replacement of Storage Battery Module 800А No.8 СОЖ Maintenance JRNL – Journal Entry HABIT – Experiment Ops Training for Emergency Response On-board ISS Internal Review of Training for Emergency Response On-board ISS IMS Delta File Prep Initiate EMU LLB Battery Autocycle ISS crew and MCC-M OBT Debrief Gather EVA Equipment and Tools OTKLIK. Hardware Monitoring CUCU Deactivation Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test Fundoscope – Eye Exam Ocular Health Experiment Transferring US EVA Tools from the USOS to RS in preparation for RS EVA 42 Health Maintenance System (HMS) – Nutritional Assessment (ESA)   Completed Task List Items None   Ground Activities All activities were performed unless otherwise noted. CUCU Loopback Test   Three-Day Look Ahead: Friday, 01/22: RRM Taskboard 4 Removal from JEMAL, ELF, Ocular Health, HMS Ultrasounds, Airway Monitoring Stow Saturday, 01/23: Crew Off Duty, Weekly Housekeeping Sunday, 01/24: Crew Off Duty   QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:                               Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Operate Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Override Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Idle Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Full Up Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Off  

January 22, 2016 at 12:49AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1PasPnZ

