2015年12月11日 星期五

ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/10/15

The ISS crew is sleep shifting today in support of Soyuz 43 (43S) undock and landing tomorrow.  Crew sleep will begin at 9:00am CST this morning.  43S undocking is scheduled to occur early Friday morning at 3:49am CST.   Orbital ATK (OA)-4 Status:  The crew started their day by outfitting the Node 1 to Cygnus vestibule, removing Controller Panel Assemblies (CPAs), and opening the Node1 and Cygnus hatches.  Once the hatches were open, they obtained an air sample and installed Inter-module Ventilation (IMV) ducting.  They also photo documented overall cargo configuration. No issues were observed with the cargo. Cygnus cargo operations are scheduled to start next week.   Crew Departure Preparation:  Yui and Lindgren continued packing their personal items in preparation for crew return to Earth on 43S tomorrow. The personal items will return by way of 43S, SpX-8, and SpX-9 vehicles.   Twins Study:  In support of the Twins Study, Kelly continued his week-long Flight Day 240 daily saliva collection and also made a urine collection.  This investigation is an integrated compilation of ten different studies led by multiple investigators.  The studies take advantage of a unique opportunity to look at the effects of space travel on identical twins, with one of them experiencing space travel for a year while the other remains earth-bound for that same year.  The study looks at changes in the human body that are important in the fields of genetics, psychology, physiology, microbiology, and immunology.   Sprint Ultrasound:  Kelly performed his Return minus 7 day (R-7) thigh and calf ultrasound scans today with assistance from Lindgren and guidance from the Sprint ground team.  Ultrasound scans are used to evaluate spaceflight-induced changes in the muscle volume. The Sprint investigation evaluates the use of high intensity, low volume exercise training to minimize loss of muscle, bone, and cardiovascular function in ISS crewmembers during long-duration missions. Upon completion of this study, investigators expect to provide an integrated resistance and aerobic exercise training protocol capable of maintaining muscle, bone and cardiovascular health while reducing total exercise time over the course of a long-duration space flight. This will provide valuable information in support of the long term goal of protecting human fitness for even longer space exploration missions.   Dose Distribution Inside the ISS – 3D (DOSIS 3D):  Kelly deinstalled the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) DOSIS 3D passive detectors from the Columbus module for return on the 43S vehicle.  Data from the various active and passive radiation detectors installed in the ISS are used in the determination of the radiation field parameters absorbed dose and dose equivalent inside the ISS.  A concise three dimensional (3D) dose distribution map of all the segments of the ISS will be developed, based on this data and data from JAXA and NASA monitoring devices.   Microbiome Water Sample Handover:  Lindgren handed the Microbiome water sample collected on Tuesday to Kononenko for return on the 43S vehicle.   Veg-01:  Kelly refilled the Veg-01 plant pillows with water. The Veg-01 investigation is used to assess on-orbit function and performance of the Veggie facility, focusing on the growth and development of seedlings in the spaceflight environment and the composition of microbial flora on the plants and the facility.  For this run, Zinnias will be grown for 60 days and are expected to produce flowers.   Ras Labs-CASIS-ISS Project for Synthetic Muscle: Resistance to Radiation (Synthetic Muscle):  Lindgren took a set of historical photos of the synthetic muscle samples.  The purpose of this investigation is to measure the effects of radiation on proprietary synthetic muscle materials in space and earth environments. Robots made of these materials could provide assistance to humans in space, enhance survivability of robots during deep space travel, and provide support in extreme radiation environments on Earth.   Sleep Log:  Kornienko recorded a Sleep Log entry today after waking. The Sleep ISS-12 experiment monitors ambient light exposure and crew member activity and collects subjective evaluations of sleep and alertness.  The investigation examines the effects of space flight and ambient light exposure on sleep during a year-long mission on the ISS.   Space Headaches: Yui and Lindgren completed their weekly Space Headaches questionnaires today.  Headaches can be a common complaint during spaceflight. The Space Headaches experiment will provide information that may help in the development of methods to alleviate associated symptoms and improvement in the well-being and performance of crew members in space.     Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Morning Inspection. SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test / Manual Controls [РСУ] SLEEP – Questionnaire Morning Inspection, Laptop RS1(2) Reboot RSS 1, 2 Reboot TWIN – Saliva Sample Collection NEIROIMMUNITET. Saliva Test HRF – Sample MELFI Insertion TWIN – Urine Sample Collection HRF – Sample MELFI Insertion Soyuz 717 Samsung Tablet Recharge – initiate High Definition (HD) Camcorder Setup to capture Cygnus Hatch Opening Removal of Node 1 Nadir CBM Controller Panel Assembly (CPA) ISS crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Management Team) weekly conference PILOT-T. Preparation for the experiment On MCC GO De-installation of ТА251М1Б from Soyuz 717 Orbital Compartment WRS – Recycle Tank Fill USND2 – Hardware Activation Crew Departure Prep PILOT-T. Experiment Ops SPRINT – Hardware prep and installation Cygnus – Configuration for Vestibule Ingress SPRINT – Operator Assistance with the Experiment NEIROIMMUNITET. Closeout Ops Handover of USOS water samples to RS to be packed into P/L container for return on Soyuz 717 Soyuz 717 Return Stowage Ops (Payload Container) Progress 428 (DC1) Stowage Ops with IMS Support Acoustic Dosimeter Stow DOSIS 3D – Removal of Passive Dosimeters in Columbus Handover of DOS3D dosimeters to RS to be packed into P/L container for return on Soyuz 717 TWIN – Saliva Collection Kit Cygnus Ingress Cygnus (OA-4) Air Sampling using АК-1М sampler prior to Air Duct Installation Checking Charger Connection to ПН28-120 Invertor Cygnus – Cargo Photography Soyuz 718 Samsung Tablet Recharge – Initiate Video Footage of Greetings USND2 – Hardware Deactivation PILOT-T. Closeout Ops Audio-Answers to the Questions from Nauka I Zhizn magazine Crew Departure […]

December 10, 2015 at 03:57PM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1UcNojS

