2015年9月17日 星期四

ISS Daily Summary Report – 09/16/15

Fluid Shifts Imaging Measurements with Russian Chibis:  Today, Kelly, Kornienko and Volkov, with remote guidance from a ground team,  each used a Russian Chibis (Lower Body Negative Pressure – LBNP) device during ultrasound measurements of arterial and venous measures of the head and neck, cardiac, ophthalmic and portal vein, and tissue thickness of lower and upper body.  Fluid Shifts is a joint NASA-Russian experiment that investigates the causes for severe and lasting physical changes to astronaut’s eyes. Because the headward fluid shift is a hypothesized contributor to these changes, reversing this fluid shift with a lower body negative pressure device is under investigation to support development of preventative measures against a lasting change in vision.   Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock Preparation for JEM Small Satellite Orbital Deployer (JSSOD) #4 Launch:  Yui, in concert with a ground team, depressed and vented the JEM Airlock in support of the deploy of two JSSOD satellites this Thursday, September 17th.  The first satellite is designed to observe the Ultraviolet (UV) spectrum during the Orionid meteor shower in October.  The second satellite, sponsored by the University of Brasilia and the Brazilian government, focuses on meteorological data collection.   Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Internal Thermal Control Systems (ITCS) Fill:  As part of routine maintenance, Lindgren setup and used the Fluid System Servicer (FSS) Fluids Control Pump Assembly (FCPA) to refill the JEM Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) and Low Temperature loop (LTL) accumulators.  After FSS operations were complete, he drained and purged the FSS FCPA and ITCS Jumpers.   Resupply Stowage Platform (RSP) Transfer:  Kelly and Yui transferred the RSP Rack from the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) to H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) today. Once the RSP was transferred, the crew restowed all the items that were moved as a result of the RSP Rack transfer activity.   Columbus Trash Gather:  Yui gathered European Space Agency (ESA) items located within the Columbus module and staged them for future disposal on HTV-5.   Russian Treadmill (БД-2):  The Russian crew reported that БД-2 was experiencing hardware issues.  Photos have been downlinked for ground analysis.  Russian crew will use Treadmill-2 (T2) while БД-2 is down.   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. FLUID SHIFTS. Comm Configuration to Perform the Experiment On MCC Go БМП Ф2 absorption cartridge cycling JEM Thermal Control System LTL & MTL refill FLUID SHIFTS. PAO Video Equipment Setup and Activation SSIPC Flight Director and ISS Crew Conference FLUID SHIFTS. [РБС] Activation for Ultrasound Equipment FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound 2 Setup and Activation in the SM JEMAL Depressurization FLUID SHIFTS. CHIBIS Setup FLUID SHIFTS. Providing Assistance with CHIBIS & GAMMA-1. PL – Photography of CDR During CHIBIS Ultrasound Examination FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound Examination in the SM FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound Examination Assistance FLUID SHIFTS. CHIBIS Closeout Ops FLUID SHIFTS. Providing Assistance with CHIBIS & GAMMA-1. FLUID SHIFTS. CHIBIS Setup IDENTIFIKATSIYA. ИМУ-Ц Measurement Data Copying to the Laptop J-TCA – TCA L Gas Trap Manual Valves Reconfiguration FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound 2 Setup in the SM JEM Thermal Control System LTL & MTL Refill. Closeout Ops. FLUID SHIFTS. Providing Assistance with Ultrasound 2 Scanning. FLUID SHIFTS. Ultrasound 2 Scanning with Operator’s Assistance MRM1-FGB Interface Screw Clamps Tightening SEISMOPROGNOZ. Data dump from БСПН via RSS1 FLUID SHIFTS. CHIBIS Closeout Ops On-Orbit Hearing Assessment with EARQ Software JEM A/L Ventilation HRF- Urine Sampling Hardware Setup FLUID SHIFTS. [РБС] Deactivation On-Orbit Hearing Assessment with EARQ Software FLUID SHIFTS. Hardware Stow Prep After the Scanning in the SM VELO-3 Exercise On MCC Go RS3 Crew Commanding. JEM A/L Ventilation – Verification of Completion. FLUID SHIFTS. CCFP Installation in the SM. HTV Cargo Transfer MAGVEC – Data Copying RS3 – КЦП2 – ЦВМ – [ТВМ] Commanding and Data Exchange Test. VIZIR. Experiment Session FLUID SHIFTS. Hardware Transfer. FSS-PWR – Hardware Stowage On MCC Go RS3 Crew Commanding. ARED Prep prior to RSP Rack Transfer from PMM to HTV [Deleted, not required] ISS Crew Orientation FLUID SHIFTS. Voltage Converter Cable Routing. WHC Cabinet Removal. [Deleted, not required] RSP Stowage Rack Transfer SEISMOPROGNOZ. Data Dump from БСПН via RSS 1 FLUID SHIFTS. US-invertor Connection to [СУБА]. FLUID SHIFTS. Deactivate КСПЭ and Close SSC Apps CONTENT. Experiment Session HTV Cargo Transfer JPM – TCA L Valve Manual Reconfiguration FLUID SHIFTS. Return to Nominal Comm Config Photography and Video Shooting of Life On-Orbit RSP Stowage Rack Transfer Daily Electrocardiography Private Medical Conference Blood Pressure Daily Recording Columbus HAM Radio Session ARED Reconfig following Completion of RSP Transfer from PMM to HTV [Deleted, not required] CIR – Upper Rack Doors Opening ALGOMETRIYA. Experiment Session WHC Cabinet Installation [Deleted, not required] ALGOMETRIYA. Photography during the Experiment Session CIR – Hardware Removal and Transfer AQM cartridge R&R IMS Update HTV Cargo Transfer ISS Crew Orientation CIR – Upper Rack Doors Closing СОЖ Maintenance HTV5 Hardware Gather БД-2 Exercise, Day 3 VZAIMODEYSTVIYE-2. Experiment Session HTV Cargo Transfer WinSCAT Psychological Assessment HTV – Cargo Transfer Conference   Completed Task List Items None   Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Solar Array Maximum Power Test   Three-Day Look Ahead: Thursday, 09/17:  Fluid Shifts, HTV Cargo Ops, Sprint Ultrasound, LAB1P5 Cleanout, JSSOD #4 Deploy Friday, 09/18:  Fluid Shifts,  HTV Cargo Ops, MSS Locker Remove, WRS Recycle Tank Changeout Saturday, 09/19:   Weekly Cleaning, Crew Off Duty   QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:                               Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) On [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) Off Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Standby Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Operate Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Shutdown Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Off Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Full Up  

September 17, 2015 at 12:52AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1LA7oXC

