2015年8月27日 星期四

ISS Daily Summary Report – 08/26/15

Human Research Program (HRP) Operations: Lindgren and Yui initiated their Flight Day 30 (FD30) Ocular Health performing vision tests, tonometry, blood pressure measurements, and answering a vision questionnaire.  The Ocular Health protocol calls for a systematic gathering of physiological data to characterize the risk of microgravity-induced visual impairment/intracranial pressure in ISS crewmembers. Researchers believe that the measurement of visual, vascular and central nervous system changes over the course of this experiment and during the subsequent post-flight recovery will assist in the development of countermeasures, clinical monitoring strategies, and clinical practice guidelines. Kelly participated in Interactions-2 which is a Russian experiment in which both 1-Year mission crewmembers are participating.  The goal of the investigation is to study the patterns of intra- and inter-group (interaction with Mission Control Center (MCC)) dynamics during the long-term spaceflight of an international crew. Kelly and Kornienko performed their morning Reaction Self-Test and will perform another session prior to sleep.  This week-long session is in advance of the sleep shift required for the 42 Soyuz relocation later this week.  Reaction Self-Test aids crewmembers to objectively identify when their performance capability is degraded by various fatigue-related conditions that can occur as a result of ISS operations and time in space (e.g., acute and chronic sleep restriction, slam shifts, extravehicular activity (EVA), and residual sedation from sleep medications). Kelly and Kornienko are performing a week of sleep logging.  The Sleep ISS-12 experiment monitors ambient light exposure and crew member activity and collects subjective evaluations of sleep and alertness to examine the effects of space flight and ambient light exposure on sleep during a year-long mission on the ISS.   Plant Rotation: Yui removed samples from the Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) following the completion of the Plant Rotation Run 4 session.  He took photos of the Plant Rotation Chamber and downlinked for ground evaluation.  Many species of climbing plants grow upward in a spiraling shape, a process known as circumnutation. Plant organs, such as stems, leaves, and roots also grow in a spiraling, helical shape. This spiraling process can take many forms, including very tight loops and broad curves. The Plant Rotation experiment verifies the hypothesis that this type of plant growth requires gravity.   Circadian Rhythms: Lindgren concluded his 36-hour Circadian Rhythms measurement, doffing the Thermolab sensors and instrumentation belt and answering a short questionnaire about caffeine intake.  Circadian Rhythms investigates the role of synchronized circadian rhythms, or the “biological clock,” and how it changes during long-duration spaceflight. Researchers hypothesize that a non-24-hour cycle of light and dark affects crewmembers’ circadian clocks. The investigation also addresses the effects of reduced physical activity, microgravity and an artificially controlled environment. Changes in body composition and body temperature, which also occur in microgravity, can affect crewmembers’ circadian rhythms as well. Understanding how these phenomena affect the biological clock will improve performance and health of future crewmembers.   Mycological Evaluation of Crew Exposure to ISS Ambient Air (MYCO): Upon wakeup, Kelly performed the MYCO sampling, collecting nasal cavity, pharynx, saliva and skin samples. MYCO evaluates the risk of inhaling microorganisms and their adhesion to the skin to determine which fungi act as allergens on the ISS.  Analysis focuses on microflora, particularly fungi sampled from subjects, which may cause opportunistic infections and allergies if their immunity is compromised on the ISS.   Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations: Overnight Robotics Ground Controllers maneuvered the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to position Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) Arm 2 to open H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) Exposed Facility Unit 1 (HEFU1) and HEFU2 on the HTV5 External Platform (EP).  During the first attempt to grasp the HEFU1 Micro-Square Fixture (MSF), Orbit Replaceable Unit (ORU) Tool Changeout Mechanism 2 (OTCM2) hung up on the MSF. Robotics Ground Controllers were able to free OTCM2 and back SPDM Arm 2 away.  The next attempt to grasp the HEFU1 was successful and HEFU1 was opened.  OTCM2 then released the HEFU1 MF and the SSRMS and the SDPM were maneuvered to a park position.  HEFU2 will be opened on August 29 as part of the Superconducting sub-Millimeter-wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES) transfer operations.   42S Relocation From Mini Research Module (MRM)2 Zenith to Service Module (SM) Aft Preparation: Earlier today the 42S Thruster Test was successfully completed.  Kelly completed Systems Operations Data File (SODF) deploy to replace emergency books and cue cards. He stowed discarded books and cards for return on a future SpaceX flight. The 42S crew performed On-Board Training (OBT) to prepare for 42S redock.   HTV5 Cargo Transfer Status:  Lindgren and Yui completed 4 hours of HTV-5 Cargo transfer operations today.  A total of 36 hours remain to complete HTV-5 cargo operations.   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. IMMUNO. Saliva Sample (Session 1). / r/g 9727 Self-Reaction Test. Reaction Time Test (morning) IMMUNO. First stress test, questionnaire data entry. / r/g 9727 Closing USOS Window Shutters MYCO – Morning Sample Collection IMMUNO. Blood Sample (finger) / r/g 9727 IMMUNO. Blood Sample Ops. / r/g 9727 MYCO – Sample MELFI Insertion IMMUNO. Equipment Stow / r/g 9727 Acoustic Dosimeter Setup for FE-2, FE-6 COSMOCARD. Closeout Ops / r/g 9713 ISS Crew / SSIPC FD Conference HMS Visual Testing Activity Photography and Downlink of DC1 shell surface behind panels 201 and 202 via OCA / r/g 9729 Vision Questionnaire Soyuz 716 АСУ Activation (MRM2) / Ascent and Descent HMS Visual Testing Activity Soyuz 716 MCS (СУД) Test Before Relocation r/g 9720 ECLSS Recycle Tank Remove and Replace UDOD. Experiment Ops. / r/g 9721 Vision Questionnaire Ocular Health (OH) Blood Pressure Operations Ocular Health (OH) – Tonometry Test Setup Ocular Health (OH) Blood Pressure Operations Hardware prepack for return and disposal via ТК 716 / r/g 9646, 9711 Ocular Health (OH) – Tonometry Test (Operator) Ocular Health (OH) – Tonometry Test Ocular Health (OH) – Tonometry Test (Operator) Ocular Health (OH) – Tonometry Test Ocular Health (OH) – Stow Tonometry Hardware IPAD Unpack CRHYT – Hardware Removal HTV Transfers Ops Preventive maintenance of MRM2 АСП-О Hatch […]

August 27, 2015 at 12:52AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1U89GXV

