2015年5月7日 星期四

ISS Daily Summary Report – 05/06/15

Gene, Immune and Cellular Responses to Single and Combined Space Flight Conditions – A (Triplelux-A): Cristoforetti installed the three Triplelux Reservoir A into the Automatic Ambient Stowage (AAS) inserts. She retrieved the second Culture Tube A from Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI), thawed it in the Biolab glovebox and installed it in the EC. Following crew activities, ESA ground control teams performed bioluminescence measurements. Triplelux-A uses a rat macrophage cell line to investigate and compare the ability of macrophages to kill pathogens under normal gravity and microgravity conditions.  The goal is to gain a better understanding of immune suppression in spaceflight. Cell Mechanosensing-3 Preparation: Virts configured and performed a checkout of the Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) Thermal Container and the Microscope in the rack in advance of the Cell Mechanosensing experiment launching on SpX-7. The experiment clarifies the mechanism of how tension fluctuation in cell membrane regulates activities of such transducers during microgravity conditions. The experiment cultures L6 myotubes/myoblastic cells on extracellular matrix with different rigidity in ‘Kibo’ module of the ISS so that microgravity conditions induce distinct tension fluctuation in cell membranes. JEM Airlock (JEMAL) Operations: Virts repressurized the JEMAL and performed a leak check. The Robotics Refueling Mission (RRM) Task Board-2 and Safety Cap Tool (SCT) will be brought into the ISS habitable volume and removed from the JEMAL Slide Table later in May. Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Hose Install:  Due to recent high pressure signuatures the UPA has not been processing.  The data indicates that there is a restriction preventing the Pressure Control Pump Assembly (PCPA) to maintain the purge to the Distillation Assembly (DA) during operation. Since the DA is new with only 29 hours of operation, the restriction is expected to be in the purge line between the DA and PCPA.  This morning Kelly replaced this purge line with a pristine contingency hose.  UPA is currently processing nominally. Node 3 (N3) Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly Bed Remove & Replace (R&R):  Virts continued CDRA maintenance operations by removing both of the N3 CDRA Adsorbent/Desorbent (AD/DES) beds and installing the new beds that arrived on SpX-6. The old CDRA beds will be returned on SpX-6 for refurbishment. ISS Reboost:  This morning, the ISS performed a reboost using 58P thrusters to set up phasing requirements for 41S landing scheduled on May 13. Burn duration was 12 minutes, 17 seconds with a Delta-V of 1.34 meters/second. SpaceX (SpX)-6 Cargo Transfer Operations: The crew continued loading return cargo and trash into the Dragon vehicle. As of tonight’s crew report we are approximately 67% complete with SpX-6 cargo operations.   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. THERM – Container Insertion CARDIOVECTOR. Experiment Ops Fine Motor Skills – Experiment Ops Crew prep for departure Crew Departure Prep PAO Hardware Setup Crew Prep for PAO TPLXA – Hardware Retrieval TV Conference with Russia Today TV Channel Correspondent TPLXA – EC Removal from Incubator COSMOCARD. Preparation Ops. Starting 24-hr ECG Recording Dragon Transfer Ops COSMOCARD. Photography of the Experiment Ops Bone Densiometer troubleshooting [Aborted] JEMAL – Pressurization BAR. Testing Ultrasound Analyzer [АУ-1] and Leak Indicator [УТ].  Acoustic Dosimeter Ops Symbolic Activity [Deferred] TPLXA – Installation of Glove Box PAO Hardware Setup JEMAL – Leak Check after Pressurization Crew Prep for PAO Crew prep for departure – Virts [Aborted] MSPR Activation PAO Event ТК 715 Transfer Ops EHS – In-flight Microbiology Water analysis and data recording Physical Fitness Evaluation (on treadmill) TPLXA – Installation of Reservoir ТК 715 Loading of Equipment for Disposal Completion Report Sokol Space Suit leak check Sokol Suit Drying – Set up Suits 1 and 2 for Drying Crew OBT – Crew Medical Officer (CMO) – Computer Based Training TPLXA – Preparation Ops TPLXA – Retrieval of Culture Tube from MELFI TPLXA – Tube insertion into the Glovebox Review procedure on measuring air flow speeds using anemometer THERM – Thermal container check Crew prep for departure Photography of SM Power Supply System Devices РТ-50-1М Dust Filter Replacement and В1, В2 Fan Grille Cleaning in DC1 TPLXA – Installation of Culture Tube into EC Dragon Transfer Ops VIBROLAB. Clearing Sinus-Accord P/L Card.r/g 8738 CDRA – Bed R&R in Node 3 TPLXA – Equipment Stowage Filling EDV-SV No.1142 From SM Rodnik Water Tank 2 Crew Departure Prep ESA Weekly Crew Conference EXPOSE-R БСПН (Payload Server) data download to RSS1 Laptop HRF – Hardware Setup Terminate Drying of Suits 1,2 СОЖ Maintenance Start Drying Spacesuit 3 and Set Up the 1st Pair of Gloves for Drying VZAIMODEISTVIYE-2. Experiment Ops Dragon Cargo Operations Conference PAO TV Hardware Setup Finish drying the first pair of gloves and start drying the second pair Video Footage of Address HRF – Hardware Setup TWIN – Saliva Collection Hardware Setup Terminate drying the second pair of gloves Applying Ultrasound gel to Bluetooth HRM electrodes TV PAO Event (Ku + S-band) VZAIMODEISTVIYE-2. Experiment Ops IMS Delta File Prep Dragon -Installation of Door Panels and internal rear closeout Finish Drying the 3rd suit, Start Drying the 3rd Pair of Gloves Terminate drying the 3rd pair of gloves Cognition – Experiment Ops Stow suits and gloves after drying Completed Task List Items KTO Replace  Ground Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. JEMAL pressurization monitoring ACE ops Three-Day Look Ahead: Thursday, 05/07: CDRA chassis replace, BCAT, MERLIN prep for SpX-6 return Friday, 05/08: Rodents Research, TripleLux A, Dragon transfer ops, OBT CMO training Saturday, 05/09: Crew off duty, housekeeping QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:                               Component Status Elektron On Vozdukh Manual [СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) Off [СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) On Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab Operate Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 Standby Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab Shutdown Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 Operate Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Process Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Standby Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab Off Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 Full Up  

May 07, 2015 at 01:00AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1KOKZHy

