2015年5月1日 星期五

ISS Daily Summary Report – 04/30/15

Robotic Refueling Mission-2 (RRM-2): Virts worked with ground teams to configure the Japanese Experiment Module Airlock (JEMAL) and extend the JEMAL slide table to position the RRM for transfer. The Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) operators on the ground are currently using the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) to remove task board (TB)3 from the RRM On-Orbit Transfer Cage (ROTC) followed by a Mobile Transporter (MT) translation from Work Site (WS)7 to WS2 for TB3 installation.  This is day 1 of at least 6 days of ground operations to transfer RRM-2. Rodent Research-2 Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (RR-2 CASIS): Kelly set up equipment and the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) for fixative swap operations. He retrieved the test subject samples prepared 24 hours ago, removed the preserving fixative and replaced with fresh fixative. The primary objective of this research is to monitor the effects of the space environment on the musculoskeletal and neurological systems of mice as model organisms of human health and disease. Living in microgravity results in significant and rapid effects on the physiology of mice that mimic the process of aging and some diseases in humans on Earth, including muscle atrophy and the loss of bone mineral density. This project will help scientists to discover new molecular targets that can facilitate the development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of muscle and bone-related diseases. Long-duration exposure to microgravity will also induce changes in gene expression, protein synthesis, metabolism, and eye structure/morphology that will be identifiable as a series of assessable biomarkers for tracking the onset and progression of disease. Defining the Relation Between Biomarkers of Oxidative and Inflammatory Stress and Atherosclerosis Risk in Astronauts During and After Long-duration Spaceflight (Cardio Ox): Cristoforetti, with Virts as the Crew Medical Officer (CMO) and remote guidance from the ground, performed the return minus 14 day (R-14) ultrasound scans for Cardio Ox followed by blood pressure measurements and logging results. The objective of Cardio Ox is to determine whether biological markers of oxidative and inflammatory stress are elevated during and after space flight and whether this results in an increased, long-term risk of atherosclerosis in astronauts. Crew members provide blood and urine samples to assess biomarkers before launch, three sessions while in space, and again post-flight. Ultrasound scans of the carotid and brachial arteries will be obtained at the same time points, as well as through 5 years after landing as an indicator of cardiovascular health Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF):  Cristoforetti performed the third and final on board cable reconfiguration on the SCOF to support ground checkouts. This is in preparation for the Soret Facet cell2 experiment planned for May 12. The Soret effect in fluids is a thermodynamic phenomenon in which different particles respond in different ways to varying temperatures. The effect, studied by the Swiss chemist Charles Soret, has been difficult to examine in detail on Earth because of gravity. The Study on Soret effect (thermal diffusion process) for the mixed solution by the in-situ observation technique facilitated at SCOF (Soret-Facet) is the first investigation to verify Soret conditions in steady and changing conditions, and to compare the Soret effect in microgravity with results on the ground, an important measurement for calibrating future investigations.  European Physiological Module (EPM):  Cristoforetti performed a software update of EPM laptop by reloading software using a ghost image and EPM Universal Serial Bus (USB) stick.  Space Aging:  Cristoforetti retrieved the Space Aging sample #1 from the Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF), placed it in a sample return bag and stowed in the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI).  Space Aging is an investigation to study of the effects of space flight on the aging of the C. elegans roundworm, a model organism for a range of biological studies. Microgravity causes a number of physiological changes, like heart and bone deconditioning, involving mechanisms that are poorly understood and may affect the rate at which organisms and astronauts age. Space Aging will grow millimeter-long C. elegans roundworms in microgravity and compare their health and longevity with control specimens kept on Earth.  Nanoracks Module 24:  Kelly answered questions regarding the NanoRacks module install that was performed on April 18. The ground is currently unable to “see” Module-24 or the USB drive that was installed. These answers will help troubleshooting efforts and assist in the development of future ops products.  Body Measures:  Kelly, acting as an operator, assisted Virts in setting up equipment to collect his third and final calibration and body pose photographs and the circumference measurements in support of the Body Measures experiment. Currently, NASA does not have sufficient in-flight anthropometric data (body measurements) gathered to assess the impact of physical body shape and size changes on suit sizing. This study will involve collecting anthropometric data (body measurements) using digital still and video imagery and a tape measure to measure segmental length, height, depth, and circumference data for all body segments (i.e., chest, waist, hip, arms, legs, etc.) from astronauts for pre-, post-, and in-flight conditions. S-Band String 1: Yesterday evening following a Loss of Signal (LOS), Ku-Band and S-Band did not lock up on Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) 171.  Ku-Band was reacquired on the following pass on TDRS 41 but the S-Band outage persisted.  Ground controllers were able to regain ISS telemetry.  Ku-Band Contingency Command and Telemetry (CCT) mode was enabled over a Russian Ground Pass to allow ground controllers to use Ku-Band commanding to swap S-Band from String 1 to String 2.  Once configured on String 2, good command link and telemetry link were established.  Initial review of data from troubleshooting shows the Baseband Signal Processor (BSP)-1 is performing nominally and S-Band String 1 has been configured as a hot backup.  The team is continuing to investigate. Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Flush Water Pressure Relief T-Hose Installation: Virts installed a pressure relief hose on Dose Pump PY-3 and routed it through panel WHC-03 with the Urine Receptacle Hose. This configuration eliminates the need to […]

May 01, 2015 at 01:18AM
from NASA http://ift.tt/1Ivcma5

