2015年1月20日 星期二

Election Day 2012

The American flag patch pictured here is from the left arm on Neil Armstrong's Apollo 11 suit. This image was taken in April 2006 at the National Air and Space Museum's Garber Facility in Suitland, Md. NASA astronauts Leroy Chiao, Edward Michael Fincke and Greg Chamitoff have all voted while aboard the International Space Station thanks to a bill passed in 1997 by Texas legislatures. The bill sets up a technical procedure for astronauts - nearly all of whom live in Houston - to vote from space. Current station Commander Suni Williams, a Florida resident, voted via absentee ballot before departing for her duties as part of Expedition 32 on the International Space Station. Image Credit: NASA via NASA http://ift.tt/RdtFkv

